Holy Terror: Part Two

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By the time you get home, it's right before lunch which means it's time for your kids to have a snack. Joanna and Noah are old enough to get their own snacks from the pantry, but you still have to feed Maryann. She is in love with mangoes and you have a lot of them in the fridge. You get up to get them, but as soon as you leave the room, she starts screaming for you. You walk back into the room and she stops. Sam looks up from his laptop to watch this encounter.

"Maryann, calm down. I'm going to get your mangoes. I'll be right back."

You leave the room again, but she screams even louder for you to return. You shake your head and return to her who just smiles at you. She knows exactly what she is doing.

"Noah, will you get the mangoes from the fridge, please?"


He brings them to you with his own snack in hand, and you leave some on Maryann's tray which she gobbles right up. Sam chuckles at her behavior, and you sit back down next to him just as Dean comes back into the room.

"Any word from Cas?" Sam asks.

"Nothing yet."

"Are you sure we shouldn't be worried about him? I mean, it's not like he does this kind of stuff alone."

"It's the way he wanted it, honestly." You look down to avoid Sam's eyes because you know if you look into his eyes, you'll come clean. "He's been all over the map since he got his wings clipped. What are you looking at?"

"Obituaries of one of the bikers. His name was Red Dawg, and it's not like you think. He's a family guy. He's big in the PTA and he played Santa at Christmas parties."

"So, what? One day, he joined a biker gang?"

"No, he did that years ago. Get this. This is weird. Look." Sam pulls up news clippings and photos that he shows you and Dean. "These are all the victims, right? They were all baptized together. They were a born-again biker gang."

"Well, that is not something you hear every day," you say.

"No, it's not."

"Wait, make that bigger." Dean notices something in one of the photographs, and Sam zooms in on the biker logo on one of their jackets. "Boyle's Boys? Boyle, as in reverend Buddy Boyle?"

Sam types into Google "Boyle's Boys" and a lot of searches come up.

"Listen to this. Red Dawg's widow said he was always religious, but a week before he died, he came home from a prayer meeting and was a changed man filled with divine glory."

"So, Boyle's selling folks on being meat suits for angels again."

"In what, smaller groups now?"

"I don't know, maybe," Dean shrugs. "Maybe by preaching to thousands at a time, he wasn't able to control what angels got let in. This way, Bartholomew's followers can jump in just as soon as Boyle does his thing."

"So, Red Dawg and his guys were Bartholomew people?"

"Yeah, and they got slaughtered which means that this new group is even worse. Haven't I always said that angels are dicks?"

"Why don't you two keep at this? I'll be back," you say and get up.

"Where are you going?" Sam asks.

You look at Dean glance at each other, and with one look, he knows exactly where you're going. If he's going to keep Castiel away from here, then he's not going to keep you from going to Castiel.

"For a drive. I need some time to think about this without screaming kids in my ear."

As soon as you leave the room, Maryann screams for you, but Dean picks her up which calms her down. You take one of the old cars from the garage and drive three hours to Lawrence to see Castiel. He's home when you knock on the door, and he lets you in.

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