#thinman: Final Part

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Based on the yelling you hear from Harry, you know it's not going well. When Ed finally comes out, he has such a sad look on his face.

"How did it go?" you ask.

Ed shakes his head and walks off without a word. Harry is inside with an angry look on his face so you go inside alone to talk to him privately.

"Are you okay?" you ask and sit on the bed next to him.

"I just got punched right in the feels. None of it was real, Y/N. Ed was just pretending, and now he wants me to pretend with him like this is just something I could get past."

"I might not be exactly in your shoes, but you have to think about the person who messed up. Do you love Ed enough to want to keep him in your life? He might have made a terrible mistake or maybe this is Ed's tenth time messing up. You need to think about things in the long run."

"Yeah," he sighs.

The door opens and Dean walks in with Sam behind him.

"Hey, I got a lead on the tire treads." You leave Harry alone with his thoughts and join the brothers. "The tires were only made for one kind of car. It's a 1989 Geo Metro. With a town this small, there's only one registered here. Deputy says it belongs to a guy named Roger who works night security down at the mill on the north side of town."

"So, this thing teleported but has a job and car. What are we dealing with?" you ask.

"Let's go find out."

This time, you keep the kids at the motel instead of having them come with you. You hate doing this to Noah because you don't want him growing up to hate you, but you have no choice here. There is no way you're bringing your kids into a place you know nothing about. John always left you and the brothers inside motel rooms, and look how his sons turned out.

You don't want that for Noah, and that's the difference between you and John.

When Dean pulls into the Mill's parking lot, Deputy Norwood is already on site.

"I thought we said my partners and I would take care of this," Dean says.

"Look, guys, my boss is AWOL, and we don't have a warrant. My ass is on the line if this thing goes sideways."

"Fine. Just stay back."

Since there is someone else here, you don't want to use your magic and freak him out. Instead, Sam takes out his lockpick to unlock the side door. However, he discovers the door is already unlocked. Dean and Sam draw their weapons right before they enter, but before they can, your entire body goes stiff. Electricity flows through your body so much that you collapse on the ground. Sam and Dean are the exact same way because the Deputy tasered all three of you.

"I've always wanted to use these things."

That's the last thing you hear before you pass out.

The first thing you hear is the deputy humming some song as he sets up lights all around you. You're tied to a chair next to your husband while Sam is tied to a column right across from you. You're posted in front of a woodsy tapestry hanging from the ceiling, and there are multiple cameras pointed at you as if you're in the middle of a short film being made. Sam and Dean are already awake when you wake up.

"So, you're Thinman, huh?" you say, catching his attention. "That would make sense if it didn't look like you just ate a fat camp." The deputy keeps humming the same annoying song, and you roll your eyes. "Sam, Dean, make him stop."

"What's the deal? What are you, Norwood? Are you a demon? I mean, how did you teleport back at the diner?"

"Team effort," he grins.

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