King of the Damned: Final Part

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"Alright, let's get the damn Blade and get the hell out of here."

"Maybe I should do this."

"Sam, it's fine. I can safely grab it without--or you can do that."

Sam cuts his brother off by shoving his arm into the corpse's torso. He looks like he's going to throw up but manages to get the Blade. It's wrapped in some kind of fabric to protect it from the guts and organ juices. Seeing the Blade for the first time after Magnus sends a chill down your spine but you manage just fine.

"Let's go kill ourselves a Knight of Hell, huh?"

"Yeah," Sam shudders.

Once you're on the road, Dean calls Crowley to let him know the Blade is in your possession. You're in between the brothers, and Dean's phone is pressed against his right ear, so you can hear what Crowley is saying on the other line without it being on speakerphone.

"Squirrel. I hope you were nice to your father."

"Shut up. Look, we got the Blade."

"You did? Well, you need to get it here at once. I'm in the Humboldt Hotel in Cleaveland. Penthouse suite, of course. When you get here, I'll take you to Abaddon. I'll draw her out, and then you can skewer the ignorant hag."

"Alright, we're on our way."

"Oh, and Dean? You need to get a move on. It's a good day's drive from Poughkeepsie."

"What are you talking about? We're nowhere near there."

"Yeah, like I said, you need to leave Poughkeepsie right away."

Immediately after talking, he hangs up the phone. It doesn't click in your head until a moment later. Crowley said 'Poughkeepsie'. He knows the meaning of that word when you and he went inside Sam's head to cast out Gadreel. Whatever you're walking into, it's a trap. Abaddon might already be there waiting for you. You and Dean stare at each other worriedly.

No matter what, you can't tell Sam. He'd only get in the way.

"Are we good?" Sam asks.


You don't arrive in Cleaveland until the next day. There is no way in hell you're bringing your kids in there when Abaddon can use them to threaten your family to get what she wants. Noah doesn't understand now but he will when he's older.

"But I want to go with you," he whines.

"Noah." You're trying your best not to break down crying right now. "Listen, I know you want to help but by watching your sisters, you are helping me. I need you to stay here where I know you're safe. Throw everything I said about angels and vampires and Crowley out the window. Abaddon is worse than all of them combined. Not only will she kill you, but she'll make your death last twice your age and make me watch it. I'm serious. Do not leave this room."

"Okay, fine."

"Take this." You hand him your cell phone. "Call me for emergencies only. We'll be back soon."

As soon as you close and lock the door, you spell the room so nothing can get in and they can't get out. Abaddon can try to get through this but she sure as hell won't. Knowing they're here and out of harm's way makes you able to focus on the task at hand. The hotel is right across the street from the Humboldt Hotel where Crowley and Abaddon are.

You three get out of the car, and Sam grabs the First Blade since it's better in his hands than yours or Dean's.

"Okay, let's do this."

"Wait, wait, wait. Hold on a sec. We should give this place a once-over before we go up there. Crowley said he thought he saw some demons headed down to the basement. He'd have checked it out himself, but if word got back to Abaddon that he'd been seen..."

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