The Purge: Part Two

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You text the brothers to meet you back at the motel, and by the time you get there, they're already back. Noah is playing some video games, Maryann is using her toys to help her stand, and Dean is braiding Joanna's hair.

"Hey, did you two find anything at the morgue?" you ask.

"Yeah. Wayne was banged up pretty bad, but on the back of his neck just below his hairline was a suction mark just like Carol's."

"The trainer at the gym also had one, but she's skinny and alive. She recently lost a lot of weight. When I asked her about the mark, she clammed up and got all embarrassed. She told me she went to this spa that's in the mountains called Canyon Valley."

Sam takes out his laptop and quickly looks up the business and pulls up the website. You and Dean watch over his shoulder as Dean continues to braid his daughter's hair. There's a video on the website that Sam plays, and mid-tempo music places with a female in a Peruvian accent doing a voiceover.

"When you look in the mirror, do you recognize the fat person staring back at you? Have you tried every fad die and fitness trend out there, but nothing seems to work? Here at Canyon Valley, we guarantee weight loss with no surgery, no extreme dieting, and no intensive workout regimen. Guaranteed results in one week! You can reach your weight-loss goals. We did, but only if you reach for the phone and call Canyon Valley now."

"How far away is this place?"

"A couple of hours."

There are motels close to Canyon Valley that you book out because that is where Noah is going to stay with his sisters. Noah isn't too fond of watching his sisters and staying behind, but he knows it will help you a lot if he did. He has your phone just in case he needs to call you, but you know you'll be down the road.

In order to get into the spa, you three decided to apply for jobs they are urgently hiring for. You have no knowledge of being a masseuse, but you think it's better to be undercover rather than head in there as an FBI agent. Sam and Dean are trying to be personal trainers. The two owners, Larry and Maritza are who you meet, and you enter their office as soon as you get there.

After some introductions, you get right down to business.

"We were really, really moved by the online testimonials. It was powerful stuff."

"You boys are certified personal trainers? You're a certified masseuse?" Maritza asks.

"Yes, we all are certified. We all have a passion for fitness and helping people."

"Oh, us too. In fact, that's how we first met," Maritza gushes.

"I was Maritza's first client back in Peru. I was on a student visa. I was homesick, stressed, and eating my troubles away."

"Oh, he was the size of a casa."

"It's true! I was one empanada away from a heart attack. Then this gorgeous godsend made me the lean, mean, fighting machine I am today," Larry smiles. "The good news is, we are hiring. The bad news is, there's only one trainer position available." Larry looks at Dean and decides Sam is the better fit for that position. "How do you feel about working in another department?"


"We do need someone in the kitchen. It's the only other position available."

"I'll take it," Dean chuckles.

Almost immediately, you were given your new uniform, and you head to the juice bar where you know Dean is. Dean looks good in the uniform they gave him, but when Sam walks into the room, your mouth goes a little dry. He's wearing tight shorts and a wife beater that shows off his toned legs and bulging arm muscles.

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