Stairway to Heaven: Final Part

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The door opens and Hannah walks in to see what's going on. A few more angels peek their heads in to get a good look, and they're shocked that Dean would kill Tessa like that. One angel against you is a no-brainer, but when there are ten of them, you're powerless against them. You and Dean aren't going down without a fight but that doesn't stop them from tying you to chairs inside the same room where Tessa died.

"I can easily get out of this," you chuckle with a bloody mouth, "and smite all of you."

Hannah places duct tape over your and Dean's mouth so she doesn't hear the sound of your voice. Sam and Castiel should be finishing up their time in Montana, so she calls him to inform him of what happened. Castiel ordered her not to do anything until he arrived, so you were left alone for a whole day while they make their way back.

When they arrive, the first thing Sam does is check on the kids to make sure they're fine, which they are. The second thing he does is follow Castiel and Hannah to the room you and Dean are in.

"They both put up a fight."

"Get out," he says to her, and she listens. Sam removes the duct tape from both of your mouths. "They said you killed Tessa?"

"She killed herself."

"Yeah? Why would she do that, Dean?"

Sam unlocks both of your chains so you're free to roam around.

"I don't know, Sam. She was saying all kinds of shit."

"That's why you brought out the First Blade?"

"They told you about that, huh?"

"We had a deal."

"Yeah, well, it was a stupid deal."

"Really? If you had stuck to it, Tessa would still be alive. Without her, we got jack-shit!"

"You think we don't know that?" you shout at Sam. "You think we wanted this to happen?"

"I don't know, Y/N, did you?"

"Alright, that's enough. Stop it," Castiel sighs.

Hannah opens the door and only looks at Castiel.

"Commander, I'm sorry, but you have a call from Metatron."

Hearing his name makes you see red, and suddenly, the itch comes back. You four follow Hannah to the main room while Metatron waits patiently on video chat.

"Castiel. I bet you're not happy to see me."

"Just wait until you see me. I'm gonna put a bullet in your brain. One where you won't wake up from," you threaten.

"Stop it," he laughs. "You make me laugh."

"What do you want, Metatron?"

"Just to tell Ass-tiel here that I'm still alive. His bomber failed."

"My bomber?"

"The crazy guy with the big knife. I'm fine, thanks for asking, but Gadreel is wounded and Tyrus is dead. His followers are not your biggest fans, by the way. They've all come over to my team."

"I didn't send anyone to kill you."

"Oh, stop lying, Castiel."

"You stop lying you wannabe God!" you yell at him. "What, you sad that you're not Daddy's favorite anymore? Suck it up, buttercup. You're a fucking child throwing a goddamn tantrum. You're not special. You're not God. You're sure as hell not an angel. You're pathetic, weak, and a coward. Go ahead, Metatron. Come get me. Let's see what happens when you do."

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