Alex Annie Alexis Ann: Final Part

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There are more cars outside than before since the entire nest is here. Before Noah can eagerly head inside the house, you stop him.

"Listen to me, let me, your dad, and your uncle fight these guys. When you've had more practice, then you can join us. Just stay by my side, and remember, use that dart gun."


Your team breaks into two with you, Jody, and Noah on one side and Sam and Dean on the other.

"You know we're walking into a trap, right?" Sam asks.

"We've faced worse odds," Dean shrugs. "Jody. This is a raid, so tread lightly. First priority is clearing the nest. Alex comes second. You got it?"

"No. Your first priority is clearing the nest. Ours is Alex. Have fun you two," you smile sweetly at them.

If looks could kill, you'd be dead with the way Dean is glaring holes into the back of your head. You take Jody and Noah through the back entrance of the house without another word to the brothers.

"He's going to kill you," Jody whispers to you.

"I don't fucking care. He can try."

You break the lock on the back door and see stairs that lead to the basement. If you had to guess where Mama would keep Alex, it would be down there. You're the first one to go with Noah in second and Jody behind both of you. It looks like a workshop down here with some beds in the corner. Alex is on one of them groaning in pain and clutching her stomach.

"Alex!" Jody gasps and runs over to her. "Come on, honey. We got to go."

"Go away!"

"We have to go!" Alex sits up and shows you and Jody her eyes. They are ringed in a weird amber hue and blood covers her mouth. "What did they do to you?"

"Jody, we have to go," you say urgently.

"I'm sorry, Jody. I made my choice."

The alpha vampire, Mama, steps out from behind you and smacks you and Jody in the back of the head with a 2x4. The last thing you hear is Noah screaming for you, and the last thing you see is Mama advancing toward your son.

The first thing you hear is Mama and Alex arguing, and the first thing you see is Jody and Noah tied up. Mama tied you and Jody to the rafters while Noah is tied to a chair across the room.


"Don't worry, baby. I won't let her hurt you," you groan and shake your head to regain consciousness.

"Oh, that's sweet you think you can protect him from me. I've been looking for a new addition to my family."

"Don't you fucking touch my child," you glare. You can easily get out of this, but this is a really good teaching moment for Noah since he wants to be a hunter. "When I get out of this, I'm gonna kill you."

"Yeah, let's go with that," she says sarcastically. She walks over to the weapons she stole from you and picks up the dart gun with Dead Man's Blood darts. "I can't say you didn't come prepared."


"Hey, don't be bothering my girl," Mama says and sets the dart gun down. "She's going through a process right now."

"What did you do to her?"

"I fed her my blood. She's on her way now. All that's left is to feed."

"Alex, don't feed," you say. "We can still save you. If you feed, you're like this forever."

"Please, Mama. Let them go. I already drank from you. Let them go."

"You made an impression on my girl, I see. Baby, this is the human half of you talking. After the change, these humans aren't anything to you. Clearly, Sheriff, you got issues. There's some hole in your life that you're using my Alex to fill. I would say go and get a family of your own but, well, you know."

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