First Born: Part Two

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The kids are safe and sound in their beds while Sam and Castiel are doing research to try and find where Gadreel is hiding. There has to be some sort of spell that they can do to locate the angel, and both men have been at it all day.

"I've found something. It's a detail about when angels leave their vessels... I think. It's Enochian which can be a bit flowery." Castiel starts to read the book. "And the departed shall remain, and the remains shall be the departed."

"Okay, so when an angel leaves a vessel, they leave behind a piece of themselves? Like an angelic fingerprint?"

"Whatever you want to call it, this piece of the departed contains Grace."

"Wait, you're saying there's angelic Grace inside of me?"

"Yes, but it's fading each time I heal you."

"Is that good or bad?"

"Well it's harmless, but the Grace itself might be helpful." Castiel closes his book and grabs another titled 'On the Inner Workings of Angels'. "According to this, we may be able to use the Grace that remains inside you to track Gadreel if we can extract it."

"How would we do that?"

"Painfully." The angel holds up a picture of a four-inch-long needle that's supposed to go inside Sam. "The Men of Letters believed that you could perform a tracking spell with extracted Grace, but they were never able to test the theory."

"Well, they didn't have a guinea pig but we do."

"You have a guinea pig? Where?" Castiel asks seriously.

"Me, Cas. I'm the guinea pig," Sam sighs.

"Oh. Any idea where this needle might be?"

"First place I'd look would be the infirmary."

Sam and Castiel make their way downstairs to the infirmary in hopes of finding this special needle. If there is a possibility of finding Gadreel this way, Sam has to take it.

"Sam, let me ask you a question. You chose not to go through the trials for a reason, didn't you? You chose to live rather than sacrifice yourself. You, Dean, and Y/N chose each other."

"Yeah, I did. We did, and then Dean and Y/N made a choice for me."

Sam doesn't want to talk about this, and he leaves Castiel in the hallway by himself.

"What Dean and Y/N did--"

"It doesn't matter what they did, Cas,"  Sam sighs. "Look, I could have put a stop to all this, Cas. I could have closed the gates of Hell. Dean and Y/N are gone, okay? This is on me now, and if I can find Gadreel, I can fix this." Sam easily finds the needle and sits on top of one of the gurneys. He removes his shirt and hands the needle over to the angel. "Being human means settling your debts. Let's start balancing the books."

Castiel lays a hand on Sam's forehead to keep him still, and he puts the tip of the needle to the side of his neck. He pushes the needle in slightly, and Sam gasps in pain.

"Now comes the part that will actually hurt. I'm gonna begin the extraction," Castiel warns.

He slowly pulls back the plunger of the needle so that the Grace inside is extracted. Sam is clearly in pain but he tries not to show it.

"Is it working?" Sam gasps in pain.



"I need to push the needle in deeper. We need more Grace in order to cast the spell."

"Okay. Do it."

"Sam, if I get too close to--"

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