Sharp Teeth: Final Part

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Dean is the first one into the church while you get the kids out. Maryann is asleep in your arms, and the other two stay close to your side as you join your husband.

Dean heads to the computer in Jim's office to look up Ragnarok while you search for books about it. There are books about Norse mythology in here, but nothing specific about Ragnarok. Dean begins reading articles about it when his phone rings. You take it and answer it for him so he can continue reading.

"Hey, did you find the lovebirds?" you ask Sam.

"No. The place is a wreck."

"They were taken?" you gasp and place him on speakerphone.

"Tell me you got something."

"Ragnarok is a story about a wolf named Fenris who kills the God Odin before the world ends. There are cults that consider Fenris a wolf deity and worship him. They call themselves the Maw of Fenris," Dean explains.

"A cult of werewolves? What do they want?"

"Ragnarok is not just a Bible story to these nutjobs. It's an action plan--human extinction and total and complete werewolf domination."

"Is this ground zero for their movement?"

"Fucking Wisconsin, man. Well, time for Reverend Jim to go down."

"Do you need any help?"

"No, we got it. Try to find Garth."

As soon as you hang up, you hear a car door slam from outside. Someone is coming. You turn to Noah and pass Maryann onto him. She starts getting fussy from being moved around so much, but you place a warm hand on her head and let your magic soothe her back to sleep.

"Okay, it's time to play the quiet game. Can you do that for me? Noah, stay with them."

You and Dean sneak out of the office just in time to see Jim walking down the aisle, but he pauses with a smile.

"It's no use, Dean and Y/N. I can hear your heartbeats. You must've done this countless times, yet you still get nervous."

You two make yourselves known, and Dean has his gun trained on Jim while your hands are glowing with magic.

"Nothing wrong with a little fear. It's what makes us human."

"Fear is not a purely human instinct. Even monsters know fear. I came to work on my sermon."

"Why don't you start by preaching to us about the Maw of Fenris? Yeah, that's right. We know all about you and your pack's little plan."

"I assure you, we are planning nothing."

"Then why did we read about it in your book?"

"Because generations ago, that hate and misplaced anger were part of our beliefs. Ever since I took over here, I have eradicated it from our congregation."

"I guess not everyone got the memo because the sheriff almost killed me, my husband, and his brother."

"Sheriff Pat?"

"Let me see your bullet." Jim knows there is no use in fighting Dean, so he holds his arms out to let Dean get closer to him. Dean takes the bullet in his hands, but there is no Ragnarok symbol on it. "Where is it?"

"Where's what?"

"The Regnanok symbol. It was etched into the sheriff's bullet."

"That's impossible. The Maw is dead."

"Tell that to Garth and your daughter who is missing."

Jim looks down in thought, and realization washes over him.

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