Rock and a Hard Place: Final Part

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Warnings: implied smut, nipple play


You two manage to sneak past Bonnie, but you miss the way she is looking at you two. You take Dean back to your motel room, and the first thing you do when you open the door is pull Dean into you and plant your lips on his.

"Whoa, sweetheart, slow down," Dean chuckles.

"What, you don't want me?" you pout.

"Fuck, of course, I do--"

"Then sit your ass down and kiss me."

You push him onto the bed and straddle his waist, planting yourself flush against his growing erection. You weave your fingers into his hair and tug on the short strands, and he grabs your hips and squeezes the flesh. You're wearing a skirt, so Dean will have easy access to your aching core.

Your fingers expertly unbutton his shirt, and you slide it off his shoulders which only leaves his undershirt. You slide your hands underneath his shirt, raking your nails against his hot skin. He groans as he pulls away from you only to press his lips against your neck. The only time he pulls away from you is when you lift his shirt to take it off. He slides the straps of your shirt down, letting it bunch around your waist.

With one move, he undoes your bra and tosses it off to the side. You grind your hips on his cock as his lips move down to your breasts. Just as he pulls your nipple into his mouth, your phone rings. It's your every intention to ignore it, but Dean pulls away with a smirk.

"Answer it."


"Answer it or I will."

You grab your phone just as he goes back to licking and biting your nipple. Sam is calling you, and if you don't keep this conversation short, then Sam is going to hear something he really doesn't want to hear.

"Yeah, Sam?" you try to hold in your moan.

"What's going on?"

"You must not be very smart. I left with Dean for a reason."


"What the hell do you want?"

"We're not hunting a dragon--"

"Great, not a dragon. Okay, gotta go."

You hang up on him without waiting for his response, and that's when you and Dean kick it up a notch. It doesn't take long to get you naked, and it certainly doesn't take long before you two are falling over the edge. It's dirty, messy, and sloppy, but it feels so damn amazing. Every time with Dean feels like the first.

"This is why I keep having your babies," you chuckle once you two are done.

"Yeah, about that, maybe we should hold off on having more kids. At least for a while. Three kids are a handful."

"Yeah, they can be. We can hold off." You kiss him tenderly before getting off him. You grab your discarded clothes and get dressed. "We should meet up with Sam. He said something about this not being a dragon earlier."

Once you two are dressed and somewhat decent, you open the door to leave. However, a bright blue light hits you and Dean in the faces, and you fall to the ground in a blackout.

When you wake up, you see three people staring at you. You groan and lift your head to get a better view of your surroundings. The only source of light is torches that are hanging on the sides of the dirt wall. There are a few candles deeper into the cave you're in. It looks like a cave, but it could be a basement of sorts. You look to your right and see Dean lying on his back.

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