I'm No Angel: Final Part

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The first shelter was a complete bust and the second and third refuse to help you. No one wants to help you for whatever reason, and you're starting to get pissed off about the lack of help.

"Look, for the billionth time, we're just looking for some information, okay? We're not cops. I mean, do we look like cops?" Dean tries to convince the people of the fourth shelter.

They all look at each other and nod, and you grow tired of their behavior. Your eyes shine bright blue, and everyone within the inner circle is affected by your magic. Their eyes glow bright blue, and the Winchester brothers look at each other.

"We're not cops," you state "We're just trying to find our friend. He might have been here the night that guy was killed. He's got dark hair, blue eyes, and he might be a little out of it. He goes by Clarence. Are any of you going to help us?"

"I remember him," one of the men state and come forward.

"Did you two talk?" you ask, dimming the light in your eyes as well as everyone else's.

"Not much. I think he was on the run."

"Did you see him with the victim?"

"No. He went off to sleep in another part of the resort."


"Well, he's not there now."

"Where did he go?" Dean asks impatiently.

"I saw him running from under the bridge to the highway. He flagged a truck heading north. Detroit, probably."

"Why Detroit?"

"The truck was marked 'Motor City Meats'. They're based out of Detroit."

Now you're getting somewhere. It's too late to do yet another drive since Detroit is four more hours from where you are now. You need a break, and it's clear the girls are getting fussy from all this traveling. The best thing to do right now is to get some dinner and rest at a motel for a few more hours.

Dean stopped at a convenience store to grab some food and extra groceries with Sam while you stayed by the car with the kids. You're giving Maryann a bottle when the brothers come out with bags in hand.

"Look at these chemicals. Do you even read the label?" Sam complains about the pie Dean picked out.

"No," Dean snatches it out of his brother's hand and puts it back into the bag, "I read 'pie'. The rest is just 'blah, blah, blah'. Listen, when we hit Detroit, we start with the homeless shelters, then go to the encampments and soup kitchens. We should also check out places he might have gone looking for work."

You look up and see the brothers pass by someone on a pay phone, and as soon as they don't see him, he begins following them. Normally, you wouldn't mind this but he has that look on his face that says he is trouble. You quickly look away and pull out your phone to message your husband.

Don't look now, but you're being followed.

Dean looks at his phone and frowns at the message before showing his brother. Instead of stopping at the car and potentially putting you and the kids at risk, they pass by you without a glance in your direction. The man doesn't know any better and passes by you as well. They continue talking as if nothing is wrong and turn the corner that leads into the alleyway between two stores.

The man is two seconds behind them, but when he turns into the alleyway, Sam and Dean are gone. He looks around cautiously and that is when Sam and Dean attack him. They push him against the wall and point an angel blade and Ruby's knife against his throat.

"Who the hell are you?!"

"Why are you tailing us?"

The man is too stunned to speak, but it's not like he is given the chance to. Now that Sam and Dean have him in their clutches, there is no way he's getting out of this alive. In order to get what they want, they need to be out of the public's eye. So, they practically drag the man to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. Of course, you didn't let him into the car with the kids, so you drove while Sam and Dean took him on a nice little walk.

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