Stairway to Heaven: Part One

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You lean back and lay your head on Dean's shoulder. Your entire body is coming down from the high killing Abaddon gave you. Your head is fuzzy, you feel so tired, and your hands are shaking.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just tired."

It was more than that. It was more than just feeling tired. You didn't want to worry Dean but something awoke in you the second Dean killed Abaddon. The First Blade was meant to kill Knights of Hell. It was made for that purpose alone. Sure, it can kill any known being as long as the user has a Mark of Cain, but to kill a Knight is using the Blade to its full power.

To put it in simple words, you're feeling sick. Your whole body is exhausted to the point where you can't get up on your own. You're covered in a thin layer of sweat despite it being cold in the Bunker. Your vision is a bit hazy like you're hallucinating from being too sick. However, you don't feel any pain. Your stomach doesn't hurt, you don't have a headache, nothing.

The Mark on your shoulder has not stopped itching since Abaddon was killed. It's an itch you can't seem to scratch. This Mark was a bad idea from the beginning because nothing but death and darkness has ever been associated with this kind of thing. Cain even said it comes with a great burden, and you're starting to understand what he meant.

How is this going to affect your kids? The other shoe is about to drop and all hell is going to break loose. It's been about a week since Abaddon died, and you haven't slept properly once. Getting four or five hours is normal for you but you're barely getting one now. Whenever you close your eyes, all you see are dark clouds of smoke. Dean hasn't slept right either because the Mark won't let him. It wants him to kill because that kind of power is raw and untouched.

You're terrified of what it will do to you, to Dean, and to your kids.

Dean walks into the room to wake you up when he sees you already awake.

"Sweetheart, Cas called. He has--Are you okay?" He puts a hand on your forehead and yanks it back in shock. "Damn it, you're really hot."

"I'm fine, Dean."

"Like hell you are. You're sweating."

"I'm not in pain. There's no pain anywhere."

"I'll be right back." He leaves and comes back with the thermometer. When placed inside your mouth, it shows you have a normal temperature. "It says you're normal but you're burning up. Maybe you should stay here for this one."

"No, I'm fine. I'm going with you. You need me, especially if we're going after Metatron." You use his help to get out of bed and almost fall on him from being too dizzy. "If you can burn yourself out without consequence, then so can I."

Dean can't argue with that.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. What about Castiel? What did he find?"

"I'll tell you in the car. I already got Sam to get the kids ready."

You and Dean walk to the library where Dean is in the middle of packing his duffel bag. Sam walks in from the garage after having just put the kids in. He takes one look at you and pauses where he stands.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," you snap. The First Blade is on the table just calling out your name. It's begging you to pick it up and use it. You take two steps toward it without taking your eyes off it, but Sam puts a hand on your shoulder to stop you. "I'm fine."

"You don't look fine."

"Okay Dean, what's up? What is Castiel doing?"

"I don't know. He said there's something going down in Missouri, and he couldn't talk about it over the phone."

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