Meta Fiction: Final Part

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"So, he acts tough, and you two show kindness. Is that how this works?" Gadreel asks when you two return.

"No. See, I don't care whether you talk. You're gonna pay for what you did to him and Kevin."

"We're the ones in charge here," you say with bright blue eyes.

Dean draws his angel blade and you walk behind him and place your hands on his head. Dean slices Gadreel's arm deeply with the blade and he screams in agony. You force your magic into his head and take apart his brain one cell at a time, making sure he feels every cell being ripped away from his being.

"Word around the campfire is, you let the snake into the garden and ruined it for all humanity."

"I set them free. I loved humanity!" Gadreel gasps loudly.

"You sure got a funny way of showing it, asshat. Now, you tell me about this 'getting back into heaven' shit and I'll end this quickly. Otherwise, you can sit here and rot in those chains forever. Up to you."

You take your hands off his head to allow him to think about what he wants to do, and he slumps in his chair.

"With all your talk and bluster, you two must think you're invincible. The three of you against the world, right?"

"Damn straight."

Dean turns his back to him and you walk to his front to see his face.

"You really think Sam would do anything for you two?"

Dean's face is completely broken at his words which breaks your heart. He won't let Gadreel know just how much his words are affecting him.

"Oh, I know he would," Dean says and turns back around with a hard look on his face.

"I have been in your brother's body, Dean. He would not trade his life for yours."

"Thanks for the rerun, pal. Sam's already told me all that shit. Hell, he's told me worse."

"Did he tell you that he has always felt that way, that he thinks you're just a scared little boy who's afraid to be on his own because Daddy never loved him enough? He's right, isn't he? He's right to think you are a coward, a sad, clingy, needy--"

Dean lets the anger get the better of him and punches Gadreel right in his mouth. Blood pours from Gadreel's mouth but he smiles in amusement.

"You're a pathetic bottom-feeder who cannot even take care of himself, his wife, and his children, who would rather drag everyone through the mud than be alone, who would let everyone around him die!"

Dean is about to kill Gadreel but you shove yourself in between them. Dean swings the angel blade but stops short when he realizes he will stab you in the heart.

"Stop it. This is what he wants. He wants to die," you pant. "Look at him. He's just saying this to get under your skin."

"No! Do it! Kill me!" Gadreel yells.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" you say and turn to him with an icy look. "That's why you're saying the things you're saying because you're not afraid to die. You're afraid to be left in these chains forever. You were imprisoned once, you don't want to do it again. Well, you can sit here and rot, you son of a bitch."

Dean grips the angel blade and leaves the room to calm down. The Mark is giving him so much untapped anger that he doesn't know what to do with it. You leave Gadreel where he is and follow Dean into the dirty bathroom that seems to have running water. He splashes water on his face but it doesn't help him calm down.

"What he said isn't true, Dean. You're the one who agreed that Sam needed to step away because he was too close to this. You need to do the same. Either separate yourself from this or don't let him get under your skin. This is what he wants. He wants you to destroy yourself."

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