Slumber Party: Part One

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Joanna is a couple of days away from being three. Time really does fly, especially when you're a parent. Just yesterday, you were holding her in your arms after you'd given birth. Despite feeling like a failure and a bad mother, you wanted her to have the best birthday party ever. You had gotten her everything she wanted off the small list she gave you along with a few extra things.

The Men of Letters provide you with more than a safe space. Their bank account has millions in it since they made sure this place would always be up and running. You're trying to get everything ready including the guest list which consists of you, Sam, Dean, hopefully Castiel, and maybe Charlie. You've been in touch with her ever since the events with her mother unfolded.

She wanted to hunt and help other people, and while you were weary about it at first, you got on board once you saw how prepared she was. She promised to give you a call if she ever needs you, but she hasn't besides to say hello.

You haven't told Sam to Dean about her hunting because you know how they will react. Charlie can handle herself, and she is smart so you know she won't make stupid mistakes. You'll make it a point to call her when you have time, but right now, you're hanging with Castiel.

Ever since he became human, you've been showing him the ropes. He wanted to be close without wanting to suffocate Dean, so he lives in Lawrence which is about a three-and-a-half-hour drive from the Bunker. He's close but far enough to where he can have his own life. It hurts you to have kicked him out, and that's part of the reason why you feel like you need to help him.

If only you had fought for him harder.

You had bought him some ice cream, and the two of you decided to take a walk while eating it to get some fresh air.

"I never realized how good human food was," Castiel smiles.

"Yeah, it's sugary sweet. You should keep a balanced diet if you want to be healthy. Though, Dean doesn't."

"Yes, I know all about his desire to eat bacon and pie all the time."

"You know, I'm sorry for what happened the last time we were all together. If it were up to me I'd have let you stay," you sigh.

You two turn right into a small neighborhood with beautiful two-story houses.

"Why can't I?"

It's his innocence that makes you want to tell him about Ezekiel and Sam, but you bite your tongue. Dean would never forgive you if you told him before agreeing on it.

"Dean is having a hard time right now. Trust me, telling you to leave was one of the hardest decisions he's ever had to make. I can't really talk about it, though. I'm really sorry." You come across one of the houses, but instead of passing by it, you stop in front of it. "The best thing I can do for you is provide you with a home."


"Follow me."

You lead him through the small gate out front, up the porch steps, and to the front door. You take out the key and unlock the door before heading inside.

"This house is fully furnished and you don't have to pay anything. This can be your new home."

"You did all of this for me?" he asks in disbelief.

"You're my family, Castiel. I want to hang out with you and talk to you, and I'd rather do that in a house than on the streets. Here, this is all yours," you smile and hand over the key. "I am eternally grateful for you because you've looked out for me for my entire life, even before I knew who you were. I'm lucky to have someone like you in my life."

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