Blade Runners: Final Part

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You grab his collar angrily and pull him closer to you.

"What the hell did you do to my kids?"

"Don't worry, they're fine. I don't want them in my home anymore. They are safe outside of it." He grabs your hands and peels you off him. "I wouldn't dare cross the Sapphire Witch. I did what any good collector would do--I separated the ordinary from the extraordinary. I have the First Blade, and now I have the Mark of Cain to complete the set."

"Sorry, but it's kind of attached to us. So, how about you loan us the blade so we can take care of business?"

"Dean, Y/N, I am offering you the moon here, to be part of the greatest collection of all time, to be young forever. Let me teach you my secrets. Hmm? I have to be honest with you, it has gotten lonely here over the years."

"Okay, now you're starting to creep me out. We're just gonna take the Blade and go."

"One little design flaw to this place. There's no doors or windows."

"That's fine. I'll make my own."

Dean takes out his machete to hurt Magnus but that just makes him laugh. He recites another spell that makes the machine Dean's holding burn white hot. Dean cries out in pain and drops it before he gets third-degree burns on his hands. You turn to Magnus with blue eyes to let him know that you're a real threat to him if he continues to be this way.

"Don't stress yourself out, darling. I've spent enough time with a Sapphire Witch to know all your little tricks. My thoughts aren't available to you. You can't control my mind. Welcome to the collection, Dean and Y/N."

Magnus has a spell for every little thing including rendering you and Dean useless while he's able to tie you up. He ties you to a chair while Dean is tied to a concrete post in the middle of the room.

"Be a man and untie me. Let's see how much you want to smile when I'm ripping out your insides," you glare.

Normally, your magic will get you out of rope ties in an instant, but for some reason, they don't work here. You have your magic, you can feel it, but something isn't allowing you to use it.

"Threat me all you want. See the marks on the walls?" There are etchings of symbols drawn all over the walls in black paint. "They're called runes. Only the witch who casts the runes is allowed to use their magic. Any other witch won't be able to, i.e. you. You're in my domain now."

"You're a fucking coward, you know that?"

"To you. I just scored the biggest prize of them all. Not only do I have the First Blade, I have the Mark of Cain to go with it. Not only do I have one, but I have two. Not only does Dean have it, but the Sapphire Witch herself has the mark. It can't get better than this."

"Oh, you're a really sorry piece of work, you know that? All you do is bitch about the Men of Letters. You're way worse than them."

Magnus opens the case containing the Blade and turns to Dean with a smirk on his face.

"Should we fire it up?"

"Go to hell."

"Oh, come on, Dean. This is the object of your quest. Tell me Henry Winchester's grandson isn't curious to see if it works. Give me your hand." Dean doesn't do what he wants, and Magnus grows impatient. He grabs your husband's hand forcefully. "Give me your hand!"

"Get off of him!" you yell.

Magnus forces the blade into Dean's hand, and almost immediately, Dean's mark starts to burn. Your mark connects you to Dean, so if his burns then so does yours. The longer he holds it, the hotter your mark gets. Dean's mark glows red the second he makes contact with the old bone and his body goes rigid from the shock. The veins on his arm glow the same shade of red, and the only thing Magnus does is watch with fascination.

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