Blade Runners: Part Two

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However, you didn't expect to see two dead guards, a dead young woman, and a fleet of officers involved. Crowley is back at the Bunker because you didn't want him involved in any of this. If the Blade is there, then demons know about it. If they see Crowley, then they will report back to Abaddon.

Police are taking pictures of the crime scene and cataloging evidence. The head detective is talking to two officers who arrived early on the scene. When she spots you, she heads over to confirm you're supposed to be there.

"What can you tell us about what happened here?"

"I don't have much for you guys. The guards were good men. They'd been here for years, but a security camera shows a research assistant caught them breaking into vault number one."

"Is that her?" Dean asks and points to her.

"Yeah, but it gets weirder." She takes out her tablet and pulls up the footage of the crime scene. It shows one of the guards shooting the other, but instead of staying down, he gets back up and shoots the guard who shot him. The second guard shoots the camera, which ends the footage. They are demons and they wanted you to see the footage of them shooting each other. "Like I said."

"Is there anything special about the particular vault they opened?" Sam asks.

"Vault number one is where they keep rare, new acquisitions while they're being examined."

"What was stolen?"

"Nothing. The curator, Dr. McElroy, says the vault's been empty for weeks."

The detective gets called away and leaves your side so you can talk privately.

"Okay, so I can only assume the blade was here, Abaddon found out where it was located, had some demons possess the guards so they could steal it, and then shot each other when they realized the vault was empty. She's closing in. We have to find it before she does."

"Let's talk to the curator."

She's off to the side looking at some papers when you approach. As soon as she sees your husband, her whole demeanor changes. She becomes more relaxed like she's at ease from his presence.

"Do you have a list of everything that was on display?"

She hands over a list of what was supposed to be in the vault, but nothing resembling the First Blade is on here.

"So, the First Blade was never on display?" you ask the brothers.

"No authenticated item by that name was ever on these premises."

Something about the way she's talking seems to you that she might know more than she is letting on.

"Dr. McElroy, this Blade was stolen and smuggled into the U.S. in violation of treaties with several governments. We can compel you to speak," Dean says.

"Compel? What might that involve?" she flirts. Dean is slightly taken aback by her confidence, and you roll your eyes in annoyance. Your eyes flash blue right in front of her, and that sparks some sort of fear to make her spill what she knows. "Alright, look, I did acquire the so-called First Blade and carbon dating did peg it to biblical times, but the authentication proved unreliable."

"So, it was in the vault?"

"I removed it myself. The guards didn't know."

"Where is it now?"

"Several weeks ago, a confidential offer was made to purchase it. I was afraid we would never authenticate the thing, so--"

"Who was the buyer?" you cut her off.

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