Captives: Final Part

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The kids are still sleeping so you carefully pick Maryann up to not wake her. Dean takes Joanna and Sam takes Noah so that they're all still sleeping in your arms. You use your magic to get rid of the mattresses so there is no evidence of you ever being here.

If Candy died here after escaping, then the storage unit she was in must not be far from here. After putting the kids in the car, Sam looks up the closest ones to you.

"Okay, there are three storage facilities nearby. The closest one is about a mile up the road. I also dug up some stuff on Candy. Turns out she was the kept woman of a powerful Congressman. A gossip blog said he worshiped the ground she walked on, literally. He had a foot fetish."

"So, Crowley was holding the beloved tootsies of a powerful politician?"

"And the mother of a powerful prophet. It's human leverage. Why kill Candy?"

"You heard her. She tried to make a break for it. Maybe Crowley wanted to make an example."

"No, that was the guy who was left in charge. Crowley wanted the victims alive."

"Do you want to give him a medal? I mean, Crowley's the one who put them in the cells in the first place."

"Yeah, I know. I'm just talking it out. You know, working the case. Businesslike," Dean says sarcastically.

Sam rolls his eyes as you three get into the car. It takes less than five minutes to travel the one mile to the storage facility, Castle Storage. The kids remained sleeping the entire ride, and you're going to keep it that way while you go inside. After you get out of the car, you spell the car so that nothing can get in and they can't get out. There is still food and water from the coolers you brought, so they'll be fine. You grab one of Maryann's baby monitors so that if they were to wake up, you'd know and would be able to talk to them.

You walk inside the main office and don't see anyone at the front desk. There is an office behind the desk that might have someone in there, so you ring the bell on the desk.

"Let me guess, he's 5' 5" and pasty white with black-rimmed hipster glasses," Dean assumes what the person looks like. A guy fitting Dean's description pops his head up from inside the office. According to his name tag, his name is Del. "Nailed it."

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah. We're Agents Nicks, McVie, and Buckingham. We need to take a look at your rental records."

"Uh, my manager's not here. I really don't think I should--"

"Hey!" you shout. "The records."

"Right," he nods. "Barry! Bring out the rental binder!"

Another young man who looks like the one in front of you brings out a large binder. He sets it on the table and Dean begins to thumb through the pages. There is a map of the entire facility on the back wall that Sam goes to check out. It's a map showing different corridors ranging from letters A to Z. Each corridor has its own storage units, so this place is pretty big.

"Check this out."

You and Dean walk over to him while Del stays over at the desk. He seems too nervous to just be a worker at a storage facility. Something is wrong here, but you don't know what it is.

"Check out Corridor Q. There are three adjacent units separate from the others. Candy did say there were three hostages, right?"

"Yeah." Dean flips to the Q section in the binder to see who rents them. "It's all leased by the same guy, someone named D. Webster."

"As in Daniel Webster?"

"I know a lame Crowley in-joke when I see one."

"Did you guys say 'D. Webster'?" Del asks.

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