I'm No Angel: Part One

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Your baby girl is growing up so fast. She's going to turn three soon, and you honestly don't know where the time went. It feels like just yesterday she was born, but so much has happened since she was.

Dean and Lisa broke things off, your dad died, the Leviathans were defeated, you went to purgatory, and now the angels are waging a civil war against each other. How much more can your shoulders take, and how much of it are you willing to carry for your daughters?

You want the world for Joanna, but it still has a long way to go to be perfect for her—for your whole family, in fact. These quiet little moments are heavenly, but you know they won't last.

Take now, for example.

You, Dean, and the girls are eating breakfast just trying to enjoy the morning before the shit hits the fan. Joanna is at that age where she will start to remember things, so you want her to have a party for her third birthday.

"Joanna, your third birthday is coming up soon. Do you want a party?" you ask and take a bite of food.

"I don't know anyone," she says innocently.

Suddenly, you don't feel so hungry anymore. Your shoulder sags slightly, and you feel the burden of being a mother at the same time as being a hunter. Sadness washes over you in waves, and you feel like a bad mother for keeping her away from other kids. She is almost three and she doesn't even have any friends.

"What do you want?" you finally ask.

"Princesses," she grins.

"I can make that happen," you chuckle. "What kind of presents do you want?"

"More dolls."

Her playroom is filled to the brim with dolls. It seems like no matter how many dolls you buy her, it's never enough.

"I'll get you whatever you want," Dean kisses her head when he passes by with coffee in hand. "You better make a big list for me."

"Okay Daddy," she giggles.

The metal front door opens, and Sam jogs in as if he's been up for hours. You look up and see him carrying some takeout containers in his hands. What time did he get up?

"Hey! Morning!" Sam greets and jogs down the stairs.

"How long have you been up?"

"For a few hours. I went for a run--beautiful sunrise--came back, took a shower, and got breakfast for you two--real bacon and eggs, extra grease. I'm not even going to argue," he chuckles and hands over the food to Dean.

"You went running?" Dean asks after smelling the food.

"Why do you look so worried?"

"Let's see. I told Cas to haul ass over here three days ago, and he's not here. Not to mention, there's you."

"Me? I feel great."

"I'm sure you do, Sam, but you went through the trials," you say. "That put a big strain on you. You should take it easy. We still don't know the full extent of the damage inside you."

Sam's demeanor changes and his eyes shine bright blue as the angel inside of him takes over.

"Sam is doing very well, and he does feel better," Ezekiel informs. "He's a work in progress, of course, but I am slowly healing him."

You're still not used to the way Ezekiel can go from himself to Sam in the blink of an eye, so it takes you and Dean some time to process what just happened.

"That's great, but Sam--"

"I have some news," the angel cuts him off. "I've picked up chatter among the angels. Not all are wandering around in confusion."

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