First Born: Final Part

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"That belongs to me."

You turn around and see Cain looking at the picture in your hands. He's holding two bags of groceries full of food. You blush slightly and hand the picture over.

"I don't suppose they're with you, right?" Dean asks about the demons on Cain's property.


"I guess we can't wait any longer," one of the demons yells to you. "Your friend Tara was very helpful! Got downright chatty after I peeled all her skin off. We don't want any trouble, Cain. Just want the so-called King, the Winchester, and the witch. I got a new master to impress, and I'm betting bagging those three will do just that."

"Master?" you ask and look at Crowley.

"Abaddon. This lot all needs to die."

"There's too many. The spell you used to keep us in, will it keep them out?" Dean asks Cain.

"For now."

"I have my magic. I can take all of them."

"No, it's too dangerous. I already told you. We're not having you be on the front line," Dean sighs.

"The kind of magic that stems from Amara," Cain states.

"What do you know about her?"

Cain doesn't answer, but he does rub his clothed right arm.

"I'm gonna barricade the entrances. Get ready for a fight," Dean says.

"Good luck with that. You exposed my home. You exposed me."


"Brave, but impulsive. You truly have lived up to your reputation."

"I can't say you've lived up to yours."

"What can I say? I'm retired. If you survive, you're welcome to join me for the last meal I will eat in this house before I disappear again. It's the least I can do."

Cain sets his groceries on the table while Crowley and Dean barricade every entrance. The spell Cain put on the door will expire at some point, and you have to get ready for the demons outside who will swarm inside. Cain takes out corn on the cob and starts shucking it calmly as if he's here by himself.

"We got this. You take the front," Dean says to the demon. Crowley leaves the kitchen and closes the glass doors behind him. "So, this is your play?! Corn?! What am I not getting here? I mean, it's not like you're a coward."

"Since when does the great Dean Winchester ask for help? He has a powerful witch with him. That doesn't sound like the man I've read about on demon bathroom walls. Maybe you've lost a step. Let's find out."

He snaps his fingers, and two demons are able to come through the barricade Dean put on the kitchen's back door. As soon as they enter, the door closes and locks so no other demon can come in.

"Oh, don't mind me. You two enjoy yourself."

You and Dean turn to the two demons. Seconds pass before they rush at you with the intent to kill. Balls of magic form at your palms and you toss them at the demon who picked you. The female demon dodges your attempts and grabs your waist, throwing you on the table where Cain is sitting at.

Dean pulls the demon knife from his jacket and swings it at the male demon attacking him, but the demon dicks and punches Dean in the stomach. The demon grabs him and slams him into the wall opposite of you, causing you to look over in anger.

"Get off him!!" you yell.

You kick the female demon with magic behind your force, and she goes flying into the barricade Dean put up against the door. You get off the table and shove your glowing blue hand to her forehead. She cries out in pain as your magic kills her from within like an angel would when they smite their victims.

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