Heaven Can't Wait: Final Part

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Castiel hasn't noticed you two yet, so you stand in line while Noah runs off to grab something he wants.

Castiel finishes with his customer before noticing you two. He is thrilled to see you, but then he sees Dean and his smile turns sour.

"What are you doing here?"

"Gee, Cas, it's nice to see you too."

Noah comes running back with a bag of chips in his hands, and you place him in front of you.

"Castiel, this is Noah. Noah, this is the angel I was telling you about. He's human now, but we're working on getting his grace back."

"It's nice to meet you," Noah says and holds out his hand for Castiel to shake.

He must know that if you're cool with someone, then they won't hurt him. Castiel shakes his hand politely, and you pull out your wallet to pay for the chips.

"I'm sorry, you just surprised me," Castiel says, taking the money.

"Well, the feeling is mutual. I mean, I knew you had to lay low from the angel threat, but wow. This is some cover."

"My Grace is gone. What did you expect? Do you have any idea how hard it was? When I fell to Earth, I didn't just lose my powers. I had nothing. Now, I'm a sales associate," he says proudly. "Y/N was nice enough to get me a home so I'm not sleeping on the streets."

Dean feels bad enough as it is, and this makes him feel worse.

"A sales associate?"

"I'm responsible for inventory, sales, and customer service. I keep this place clean and presentable. When my manager's busy, I even prepare the food."

"Wow. So, you went from fighting heavenly battles to nuking taquitos?"

"Nachos, too."

Castiel picks up a box of jars to stock, and you two follow him into the aisle.

"This is not you, man. You are above this. Come on."

"No, Dean. I'm not. I failed at being an angel. Everything I ever attempted came out wrong. At least I have a shot at getting things right here. I guess you can't see it, but there's a real dignity in what I do--a human dignity."

Nora, his manager, is seen walking out of her office, and you turn to Castiel with a smile.

"Did you ask her out?"

"She did. I said yes."

"I'm so happy for you." Nora approaches Castiel from behind. "She's cute."

"Hate to interrupt you guys, but Steve? A customer had an accident in the men's room."

"I'm on it."

"Oh, does 7:00 pm at my place work for you?"


"You're the best!"

She walks away with a smile, and Dean slaps him on the back proudly.

"That's what this is about?"

"No, Dean. It's not. Nora is a very nice woman, and I'm pretty sure she's not a reaper intent on killing me. She asked me out. Going on dates is something humans do, right?"

"Yeah. I mean, my dates usually end with me and my wife in bed, but yeah. That's something humans do."

"Dean," you hiss and lightly slap his shoulder. You look over at Noah to see him not paying attention. "Don't worry, Castiel. With my help, I'll make you look irresistible."

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