Dog Dean Afternoon: Final Part

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There is a chef inside the kitchen grinding ingredients into a bowl. Dean is quick to put his gun away to not scare the young man.

"Who the hell are you two?" the chef asks once he spots you.

"We're from the health department. We stopped by for an inspection," you're quick to think on your toes.

"I wasn't aware we had one scheduled."

"You wouldn't be. That's the point. Besides, I thought you were closed."

"We are. Chef's having a private dinner." A waiter walks into the kitchen carrying a plate of food. "In fact, he'll be here any minute."

"Okay, in that case, the kitchen is shut down."

"Shut down? Why?"

"Because you're both in clear violation of penal code 8.14," you make something up.

"Out. Come on. Get out. Both of you. We'll let you know," Dean says, his patience wearing thin.

The chef and the waiter roll their eyes but leave the kitchen. Once they are out, Dean turns to you.

"I'll take the front. You take the back."

"Do we even know how to kill this guy?" you whisper.

"Well, I'll empty one of these in his head. See what that does. You do what you do best."

You kiss Dean quickly and leave with Noah by your side. He is much safer with you, a witch, than with Dean. You're walking towards the back of the restaurant when you hear something behind you. You quickly turn just to see claws rush at you. The person slashes your throat, and you gasp and stagger back. You can clearly see the man now. It's the chef in the photo: Chef Leo.

"Go get Dean," you gasp.


"Now, Noah!"

Noah jumps and runs away from you in search of your husband. You gurgle up some blood, but your magic works overtime to heal you. Your eyes shine bright blue just as your wound does. Soon, the wound is healed, and you're no longer struggling to breathe. You stand up and glare at Leo, but he is amazed at your powers.

"How the hell did you do that? Who the hell are you?"

"I'm the one who's going to knock you on your ass."

You take one step toward him, but the room starts to spin. Whatever was on his claws is causing the room to spin out of control.

"Oh, screw the sharktopus. You're my main course," Leo smirks.

When you come to, you notice you're bound to a metal table with your shirt cut open. You take in your surroundings and notice Dean is tied to a pillar inside the kitchen. Where is Noah? You're about to rain hell down on this man for hurting your kid, but then you see Noah poke his head in from his hiding place. He wants to run to you, but you shake your head. He stays where he is, thankfully, and you look for a way out of this.

"What did you do to my wife?" Dean asks when he comes to.

"Your wife? She's fine. She's just taking a little cat nap before dinner. I've never had a human heart before. Heard it's a bit chewy. Good thing I'm not a fussy eater."

"You're sick."

"I've been told that once or twice."

"No, not in the head. Well, yes, but you're sick like cancer."

Dogs can sniff out cancer. Dean knows this man has cancer, which is why he's eating animal parts. He doesn't want to die.

"Well, I guess dogs really can sniff it out. Stage IV carcinoma. See, when I was diagnosed, I was way past standard treatment. No one could save me, but then with the help of a Pawnee shaman and a zoo membership, I found a cure, albeit a temporary one. The cancer always came back."

Dean looks behind Leo to see you staring at him but he doesn't acknowledge you're awake.

"So, you start experimenting with different organs, huh? You traded in the single serving for a combo platter."

"Well, what can I say? Combination therapy works. I felt stronger and the effects lasted longer. I didn't mean to kill anyone... at first. If people got in my way, they became collateral damage. I guess if you eat enough predators, you start to become one. You are what you eat, right?" he laughs.

"Do you really think the power you hold over other people's lives can make up for what you lack in your own?"

"So, dog boy, what do I need to eat to take you down, huh?" Leo walks over to a chest with a bunch of different animal organs in it. He takes one out labeled 'Possum Intestines'. "See, I'm gonna kill you, work up a nice appetite, and then I'm gonna eat your wife. I mean, I don't know what the hell she is but with healing powers like that, who cares? She could cure me."

Leo takes out another container labeled "Wolf Heart" and he grins.

"Dog on sort of dog," he chuckles.

He holds out the heart and begins chanting the spell, but you break free from your restraints. Leo turns when he hears the noise and glares at you. He doesn't stand a chance against you. Before he hurts your husband and Noah, you take action. Your eyes shine bright blue, and with a single thought, so does his.

Cool. You can control the minds of others.

"Keep your paws off my husband. Come here."

The man has no choice but to listen to you. When he gets toe-to-toe with you, you shove him down to his knees.

"Beg for your life."

"Please. I don't want to die," he begs. "I'm begging you. Don't kill me."

"You should have thought of that when you started this whole mess."

You lay one hand on his forehead, and much like Castiel, you smite him with your magic. Blue light pours from his eyes and mouth, and soon, he is dead. You let him drop to the ground like dead meat, and you rush over to Dean to help him out of his restraints. Noah comes out of his hiding place and runs into your arms.

"I promised to keep you safe," you whisper to him.

With the threat now eliminated, you're free to return back to the Bunker. Colonel and Zeus are waiting in the car patiently while Sam is talking to Joanna. He is dead tired, but he wasn't going to sleep with young kids in the car.

"How do you feel about Colonel?" you ask Dean.

"He's a good dog."

"He doesn't have a home. We have a big one."

Dean can hear the question in your tone, and this time, he doesn't hesitate to smile.

"Hell yes."

Dean bounces over to Colonel to tell him he's coming home with you guys, but with the way Dean's face falls, you know the spell has ended. You turn to face Noah and bend down so you're on his level.

"Listen, Noah, if you want to stay with us, you have to know something. Monsters exist like the man who killed your parents, and there are many more out there--different ones and more dangerous ones. There are demons and witches and vampires and other scary things. I'm not telling you this to scare you, I'm telling you this to prepare you.

"However, you're safe here with me. I will do everything in my power to protect you as I do with my own children. Though, if you want to go into foster care, then I'll take you. If not, I will love you, protect you, and give you a home."

"I want to stay with you."

"I'm not going anywhere," you smile.

You might not be his biological mom, but you're sure as hell going to act like one.

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