Yoongi Part 13

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"I would first like to deeply apologize for how dinner went

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"I would first like to deeply apologize for how dinner went." You apologize to Mei.

The two of you had met up with one another for brunch, opting to eat at a cute restaurant that served amazing mimosas and a decent brunch menu. You didn't really care about the drinks though, you just really wanted to apologize to your friend for Yoongi's behavior. He wasn't blatantly rude during dinner, but you knew he could've put in more effort.

Mei breathes out a laugh. "Honestly, it's not that big of a deal. I figured he's just not as sociable as most." She replies in an unbothered attitude.

Though she makes a good point, you still feel a little guilty that she had to supply the night with conversation topics. You did your best to make things run along smoothly, but with Yoongi's damp-towel attitude, not even your forced chatty demeanor could make up for his lack of involvement.

You had anticipated Yoongi's reserved nature, but last night was something completely different. He seemed irritable–a silent anger type of attitude. You felt guilty for forcing him to meet Mei, but upset that he hadn't suggested rescheduling the evening altogether. You couldn't help but feel it would've all been avoided if you have been paying closer attention.

"It really isn't as bad as it could've been. If anything, he just seemed like a lot was on his mind the whole night." Mei offers before adding, "Did you two talk afterwards?"

You chew on your bottom lip because the truth was, you didn't want to talk to him about it–at least not yet. You were mad that he didn't put effort into getting to know Mei and sat there like the whole evening was an inconvenience. You had stressed how important meeting Mei was and it was like he disregarded it. And when you tried to talk to him about it, he kept shutting your efforts down. You may not understand everything about Yoongi, and you're very aware how new your relationship with him is, but if he would've tried, you probably would've given him a little more leniency about everything.

"We didn't." You admit while breathing out a sigh. "There are times when he's the most communicative person I know and then there's moments like last night. It's an adjustment."

Mei spares you a warm smile. "Don't worry about it too much. When you feel the time is right, talk to him. And if he's still shutting you down, smack him on the head." She says, attempting to lift your sour mood.

It helps a little, but you're still worried that there might be some things about Yoongi that he won't ever share with you. You're not one to pry, and you'll never force him to share every thought and feeling he has, but you also don't like the idea of being kept in the dark when he's silently suffering.

You and Mei continue brunch by drinking a few mimosas and enjoying a sweet meal consisting of French toast and Belgian waffles. Despite your initial shitty mood, the conversation you had with her helped to alleviate the dark mood you had been in. She easily segues the conversation into a safer topic, one consisting on reminiscing old times together. The distraction was needed, and even helped you to not feel so upset towards Yoongi.

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