Matt - Stomach ache

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This is based off of the 'Wheel of Doom' video, where Matt has to eat french fries with ketchup. What if he actually got sick later that night and Chris finds him?


Matthew Sturniolo hates tomatoes. He hates anything even closely related to tomatoes, and that was a well known fact to both of his brothers. As Matt spun the wheel of doom one final time, it stopped turning when it reached the dreaded ketchup dare.

Matt had to eat a french fry with ketchup on it, and it felt like the world as he knew it was over. He nervously twiddled his fingers as Chris drank his egg and mouthwash, knowing he was next in line for such torture.

"You have to eat the whole thing, chew it and swallow it," Chris told Matt, knowing that if he didn't, Matt wouldn't eat the fry.

As Matt slowly placed the bleeding potato into his mouth, he already felt like vomiting. But either way, he did as Chris said and consumed the fry, cringing as the tomato left a nasty taste on his tongue.

Tears formed in his eyes as he waddled to the fridge, reached for a root beer, and left the kitchen, bidding his brothers a teary-eyed goodnight.

He was fine for a while as he scrolled on his phone. Time flew past and it was suddenly 2:21 in the morning. I really should get some sleep, he thought as he turned off his phone and snuggled under the covers. Little did he know that he would be rudely woken up by his stomach in a short while.


When Matt cracked his eyes open due to an unpleasant feeling in his stomach, the clock read 2:34am. He had only been sleeping for 13 minutes? Why was he awake? The loud grumble of his stomach soon answered that question for him.

Ew, maybe I shouldn't've had that root beer before I went to bed, I don't think it's sitting very well with me, Matt thought as he curled his arms around his sore abdomen. Maybe if he laid like that his stomach would stop hurting. Closing his eyes, he willed the sharp stabbing pain behind them to go away. Why did he feel so awful out of the blue? If he didn't think about how bad he felt, then he would feel better, right? That makes total logical sense, right?

Wrong. Matt was so very wrong for making this assumption. Suddenly his stomach was doing it's own kind of acrobatics and he had a front row seat to the show. He threw the covers off of his legs and reached blindly for his door knob, stumbling into the bathroom near his bedroom. He closed the door as to not disturb anyone, just in case he did throw up.

Oh and one other thing? Matt hated vomit. It terrified him, which is why he was protesting his stomach's riots so much.

He flicked the light on in the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror. Who was that? Last time Matt checked, he wasn't super sweaty or super duper pale. A wave of nausea washed over him, causing him to fall into the wall and gently slid down it, landing in a heap on the tile floor. He scooted closer to the toilet, resting his dizzy head on the cool porcelain.

He hated being sick and would do anything to stop it. Unfortunately for Matt, his brothers knew him like the back of their hands, which meant they knew he hated getting sick, even if it would make him feel better in he long run. Also unfortunately for Matt, he forgot that Chris could hear the bathroom door shut and could hear a semi-loud thud as Matt settled onto the cool floor.

That's odd, Chris thought, it's almost 3 o'clock. Matt's a grandpa, shouldn't he be asleep?

Chris swung his legs out beneath his sheets, clambering up his stairs to see what was going on in the bathroom.

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