Requests Update

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Hello loves, i hope you're all doing well :)

So i have made the decision to close requests for a little while. I've been really really struggling with my mental health and my depression has gotten kinda bad again, and I just don't think it would be smart of me to keep pushing and pushing when i have no motivation to do anything anymore yk.

If you have requested a chapter it will still go on my list, i just have close to 50 and I also don't think it's fair to make yall wait months for your chapters to come out. 

I wanted to apologize as well. I'm so so sorry about how long it's taken me to get chapters out. I have no excuse besides my mental health being low. I don't think it's fair to make y'all wait a million years to get a chapter written so I'm very sorry.

Anyways, I'll post another update when requests are back open. I'm so sorry,  i know yall like to request. 

I love you guys so much

-Kate <3

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