Chris - Heart Break

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Ngl when i was writing the title i almost put heart attack 😭 anyways, here's another Chris chapter for you guys! this was a request from the lovely lydraine !

"Could you do one where Chris has a bad breakup and just needs his brothers? Just cute fluff with a sprinkle of angst"

Of course! You request and I deliver :) I hope you enjoy this one! (also just imagine chris has a car in this one okay guys)

TW: this is just lowkey sad :(


Chris was terrified of commitment, but he was ready and willing to commit everything to her. He loved her, really and truly. So why did she have to fuck everything up so badly?

How could he be so stupid to love someone like her? How could he be so foolish? To-to love someone like her, how did he not see the red flags? How could she gain his trust and then break it so quickly?

How could she cheat on him? If he loved her how could she not love him? He found out from her best friend. She saw him and let him know that he was being cheated on. He didn't believe her friend at first, of course. The woman he loved to death? Nah, she wouldn't cheat on him. That's bullshit. She promised him forever. Her definition of forever must've been different than his..

He saw evidence, he saw proof. The hickeys on her neck that most definitely were not from him, the texts that she wouldn't show him, her schedule suddenly being busy? Yea, he found out.

He was hurt, to say the least. Nah, fuck hurt he was in agony at the thought that the so called love of his life could just throw everything away. Everything they had spent so long perfecting, it was in the trash. They didn't matter to her. He didn't matter to her.

The fight they had could've been classified as another war. 

He left her apartment fuming, he could've sworn smoke was steaming from his ears. He could still hear his ex's sobs through the apartment complex. Fuck her and those fake sobs, if she had really cared that much she wouldn't have cheated on him. Getting in his car, he just drove. He didn't know where he was going but he soon lost all the fight he had in him. He pulled into an abandoned gas station parking lot, put his car in park and rested his head on the steering wheel. 

He couldn't do this on his own. Chris was so mentally and physically drained, he didn't have the energy to drive home.

He called Matt, the number he knew by heart. Of course Matt picked up on the first ring. 

"Hello?" Matt answered, a question on his lips.

"Matt? Can you come pick me up please?" Chris pleaded, hoping Matt would hear how desperate he was through the phone.

"Yea, of course I can.. What's wrong though? I thought you were hanging out with-" Matt was cut off by Chris.

"Look, I don't really wanna talk about it right now, Matt. Please, just pick me up.. I'm sending my location," Chris almost begged, just wanting to be home.

"Alright, I'm on my way. Just sit tight, Chris," Matt replied, the engine starting.

Chris hung up, sighing as he sat down on the curb. What the fuck even happened?

How could he love someone so much one second and hate them with a burning passion the next? 

It wasn't long before Matt pulled up next to Chris. Chris got in the car, not saying anything. He just buckled his seatbelt and stared out the window. It took him a minute to realize Matt wasn't moving.

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