Chris - Migraine

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Anywaaaaay, I'm back with yet another Chris chapter! This is a request for the awesome april-xoxo ! I apologize for the wait and I hope you enjoy this one!

TW: Vomit and like headaches ofc


Chris had started his day off on a positive note. He had breakfast with his brothers, he showered, he went on a walk. He was in a good mood. Had his neck been stiff the past few days? Yes. Had he had allergies the past week? Yes. But did that put him in a bad mood? No.

They had a pretty chill day, nothing super eventful had happened, but they had big plans that night.

They were on their way to a birthday party and he was so excited to hang out with his friends. Sure he had a bit of a headache but he had taken medicine already so it was supposed to go away quickly, right? That's how medicine and headaches worked. The medicine was magic and the headache went away in a short period of time. Boom, magic.

But maybe it wasn't so magical as Chris thought. Because as he and his brothers were driving around and blasting their music, his headache still hadn't gone away. It had been at least an hour since he took two tylenol and his headache was still pounding in his head.

He decided to ignore it because why would he want to dwell on something so negative like a headache when they were heading to a party? No, Chris was determined to have a good time no matter what.

He ignored the fact that his head was starting to hurt a bit more while listening to the music. He was having fun, Matt and Nick were having fun, and he wasn't going to be the one to ruin it.

They finally got to the party that was an hour away and it was already starting to get dark.

"Alright, what are the rules, guys?" Nick asked his younger brothers, just like a mom.

Chris and Matt both sighed before laughing slightly at Nick's antics.

"Absolutely no drinking-" Matt started.

"And absolutely no smoking or taking drugs, we know, Nick," Chris laughed, finishing the sentence before fist-bumping Matt.

Nick laughed lightly at their reaction.

"Good, I'm glad you guys remember the rules," Nick laughed out, before opening his door and stepping out of the car.

Chris followed suit, about to just quickly get out of the car. Well, that was a plan before a wave of dizziness washed over him. He grabbed onto the door for a second just to steady himself.

"You good, Chris?" Nick asked, slightly concerned.

"Yea- yea, I'm good. I just got up too fast," Chris said, shrugging it off and not thinking much about it.

They walked into the party as a trio, just like always. Chris being welcomed first, then Matt and finally Nick with his cute awkward little wave thing he did all the time.

They were having a good time, dancing, eating, talking with friends. You know, things that the Sturniolo's did all the time. Chris noticed his head was beginning to hurt more and more and he slowly started to get dizzier and dizzier.

He excused himself from a conversation so he could find somewhere to sit down. He stumbled through the crowds, not even knowing where his brothers were. There were so many people at the party it was getting kind of claustrophobic in there. 

Chris finally found a singular sofa with no people on it. He stumbled over to it, tripping over his feet, before collapsing down onto the seat. He put his head in his hands as he tried to steady his vision. He felt awful. Chris groaned as he rubbed his head, the pain seeming to suddenly increase tenfold. 

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