All - Sick

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im baaaaack and its another fluffy one guys! like its so crazy, i can write other things besides sad shit :D anyway, this also came from my noggin, so i hope yall enjoy! (i might throw a wet rag or two in here, who knows ;) )

TW: Vomit, sickness and shit, yk the norm w my chapters 💅


Should they have realized that they would probably get sick? Well, yes. But were they thinking about it when they were hanging out with their friends? Absolutely not. They were having fun, that was their defense. But should they have ignored the fact that their best friend was running a fever and had the flu? Probably not, no.

But Matt wasn't really thinking about that when he woke up this morning, feeling like absolute death. He was too busy focusing on the fact that his body felt heavy and his head was absolutely killing him. He was laying in his bed, shivering, as his hair stuck to his sweaty forehead. His throat felt like the Sahara desert and it felt like he had been drinking nails every time he swallowed. He couldn't breathe through his nose very well and his stomach was twisted into knots.

Matt groaned as he tried to turn onto his side, failing miserably. He accepted his fate, as his arms felt too heavy for him to even reach and grab his phone. As Matt laid in his bed, wishing his fan was off, he felt his heavy eyelids slide shut. His brothers wouldn't mind if he slept for a little while longer. He didn't hear his phone vibrate as he fell into a fitful sleep.


The other two triplets had been up for about an hour now and they had already eaten breakfast. Chris wasn't feeling one hundred percent, but he didn't mention it to Nick because he chalked it up to allergies. His head pounded with the beat of his heart and his tired eyes seemed to be having a hard time staying open as he scrolled on his phone. He shut his phone off, resting his head on the soft cushion of the sofa as he closed his eyes.

Apparently Nick noticed.

"You good, kid? What's with the zombie-like motions over there?" Nick asked, looking up from his own phone.

"Huh? Oh, uh yeah I'm fine. I just have a bit of a headache. These allergies are kicking my ass right now, bruh," Chris responded, bleary eyes blinking slowly as he looked at Nick.

But Nick wasn't feeling the best right now either. He also had a bit of a headache, but it was mainly his throat that was bothering him. Every time he swallowed it felt like pieces of gravel were scratching down his throat. Oddly enough, his nose was also stuffy and he could only semi-properly breathe through one nostril.

"Did you take any medicine?" Nick asked, a slight mom-tone to his voice.

"Obviously.. Who doesn't take medicine when they have allergies..?" Chris answered, not looking Nick in the eyes.

"Go take your fucking medicine, dumbass. You know how bad your allergies get," Nick scolded, rolling his eyes as Chris continued to sit there.

"Chris! Get up and get your medicine! And before you ask, no. I'm not getting it for you. You're a big kid, you can get it yourself," Nick sassed, starting to scroll on his phone again. What Chris didn't know was Nick was texting Matt, concern in his eyes.

Chris sighed, mustering up the energy to get his ass off the couch. He nearly toppled over as he finally stood up, closing his eyes as he tried to get the stars to exit his vision. After a few minutes, he slowly walked over to the cabinet where they kept his allergy medicine. Grabbing two pills and a pepsi, he stumbled back over to the couch, plopping back down once more.

As he took his medicine and slowly sipped on his pepsi, Chris felt his eyes grow heavy once more. He heard Nick say something, but he really wasn't sure what even came out of his mouth.

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