All - Mental Health Struggles

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okay. so-

I know i said this chapter was gonna be happy. BUT- its a mental health one and idk what my brain has in store yet so we'll see. i swear no person dies in this guys dont worry <3 this one is gonna be about everyones mental health so it'll probably be a bit longer. im gonna do diff povs and then bring them all together. also they're all kind of mean to each other but like, they're nice at the end so dw guys.

TW: Depressing shit (Panic attacks, anxiety, depression)


It had been a long time coming. Trevor was old and his health was getting worse. Should Matt have been expecting what happened? Well, yes. But was he? No, because no one can ever prepare themselves for the loss of something or someone. 

So to say Matt freaked out at 2am when Trevor starting violently throwing up blood, was a major understatement. Matt had been struggling with his anxiety and mental health for about two weeks now, and this was like the cherry on top.

"Holy fucking shit, Trev!" Matt shouted, standing up and running over to his dog who was now lying on his side, panting. 

This caught the attention of both Nick and Chris, Nick's tired eyes trailing over to see Matt crouched down near Trevor. Chris's slouched shoulders turned towards Matt. They were all going through it and no one really wanted something dramatic to happen, but bad shit happens when you least expect it.

Matt ran to the kitchen table, got his car keys and wallet and ran outside to start his car.

Nick sighed as he looked over to Chris, noticing his dark eyebags.

"Do we really have to go with him? I'm tired and don't feel like going out tonight," Chris grumbled out, still halfway looking at his phone.

"Chris, it's Trevor.. You know if he has to be put down Matt's gonna be a mess. We can't just let him go alone," Nick said, tired voice barely audible.

As Nick finished his sentence, Matt ran back inside, picked Trevor up, and ran back outside with his sick dog cradled in his arms.

"Nick, he'll be fine. Trevor isn't going to have to be put down. He's thrown up blood before, Matt will be fine if he goes alone. We're both tired and it isn't smart for us to go out against our best judgement," Chris said, trying to get Nick to sit back down on the sofa.

Matt texted Chris as he finished talking to Nick:

'I'm taking Trevor to the vet, I'll be back home later. Love you and tell Nick I love him, too'

"See, he just texted me that he'll be home later and he's taking Trev to the vet. Oh and he loves you," Chris said, typing back that they both loved him too.

"Okay, but if he comes home crying, I'm not dealing with that tonight," Nick said, rolling his eyes.

It wasn't that they didn't love Matt, but they were all struggling and couldn't quite deal with one another at this time.


The entire ride to the vet, Trevor was whining and shaking in the passenger seat.

"Shh, it's gonna be okay, Trev. You'll be okay and we can go home and have all the cuddles in the world," Matt said, reaching over and petting Trevor on the head.

Normally, Trevor stayed with their parents in Boston, but the triplets had offered to take Trevor back to L.A. with them since their parents were going on vacation.

After what seemed like hours, Matt finally pulled into a parking spot at the closest emergency vet (idk pet hospital?). He turned the car off, grabbed Trevor and ran into the lobby, immediately going to the receptionist desk.

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