Chris - Food Poisoning

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I'm back at it again with another Chris chapter! I promise I have another Nick chapter coming up soon so dw, ik im a slacker when it comes to writing about Nick LMAO

Thank you guys for 1.2k reads on this story!

Anyways, here y'all go! I hope you guys like this one! (NOT SEXUALIZING THEM WHATSOEVER)

TW: vomit, being sick


The triplets had just gotten back from dinner and were going to sit down and watch a movie. They chose The Bee Movie of course, and all sat down and cuddled up.

Chris ended up falling asleep halfway through the movie, as did Matt. Nick took a picture of them so he could blackmail them later with it. Nick shortly fell asleep after them. The last thing he heard was Jerry Seinfeld saying 'Ya like jazz?'


It was around 4am when Chris woke up. He wasn't sure why until his stomach grumbled unhappily. Yup, that would be why.

He looked down and noticed Matt was asleep on him, his head was in Chris's lap and soft snores were coming from his mouth. Chris smiled sleepily at him before a stabbing pain was felt in his stomach. He groaned as he burped slightly, his stomach feeling extremely unsettled. He was gonna have to wake up Matt or else he was going to puke on Matt.

He didn't want to wake Matt up, Matt's been having a difficult time sleeping recently because of his anxiety and Chris didn't want to take away the few short hours that he was currently getting. Unfortunately, there was no way that he wasn't gonna throw up on Matt if he didn't move.

He looked over at Nick, silently begging him to wake up. He saw he had a hair-tie on his wrist and knew he only had one option. He took his hair tie and used it as a sling shot, aiming it at Nick. It hit him square in the face.

Chris hadn't really feared for his life when he was around his brothers before, but the fury in Nicks eyes as he looked at Chris made him wish he were dead.

"What the fuck, Chris? I'm having a lovely slumber and you have the fucking audacity to wake me up? What is so important that you had to wake me u-" Nick's voice got increasingly louder.

"Shut the fuck up, Matt's sleeping," Chris shushed, holding a hand on his stomach and one to his lips. 

"He actually looks peaceful, I'm glad he's getting rest. He hasn't slept well for the past week.." Nick trailed off, biting his lip nervously. "Anyway, why'd you have to wake me up? So you could say that Matt's asleep or.."

"No, because I feel like I'm gonna throw up and I don't want to puke on Matt but I also don't want to disturb his sleep. I don't know what to do," Chris said, looking at Nick with (was it fear?) in his eyes.

Nick looked at him, mouth slightly agape, "Did you say you felt like vomiting?"

"Yes? Bro just help me so I don't puke everywhere," Chris burped out, holding his stomach as another wave of nausea passed over him. "Shit, dude.. I feel so bad right now."

"Alright, alright, just- just take a deep breath Chris. I'll help you move Matt without waking him up, sound good?" Nick asked, suddenly noticing Chris's pale skin and the sweat that beaded his upper lip and hairline.

Chris nodded in response, afraid that if he opened his mouth, he would throw up.

Nick picked Matt up slightly, just enough for Chris to slide out from underneath him and sprint to Matt's bathroom. His was the closest to be fair.

Matt stirred slightly at the loss of Chris's body heat but Nick shushed him, crossing his fingers that Matt would stay asleep.

As Nick tucked Matt back in, Chris was hovering over the toilet, spit dripping from his mouth as vomit built up in his throat. He somewhat remembers Nick running into the bathroom with a wet rag, which he set on Chris's neck.

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