Matt - Nightmares

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whew, im back after that emotional thank you segment! im tryna get back on my grind, hopefully i can actually stay on it this time LmAO.

this is from the lovely Leyla_099

"Yk how u mentioned in the argument one about Matt being sleep deprived cause of nightmares. Could you do one where we see Matt's nightmare or smth?"

ofc! i am so sorry for how long it took me to get this one out, i've literally been dying of business recently.  i hope yall enjoy this one! (also ik it says major character death, but no one like, dies dies, they just die for the nightmare but they're not like actually dead if that makes sense.)

TW:  panic attack, wet rags, gagging, major character death, blood.


Matt was running, running far away from something? No, not from something, from someone. Someone who was chasing him, but why were they chasing him?

His chest was heaving, sweat beading his brow. He was shaking with nerves, nerves for something he couldn't see. But he fell, he tripped, and he landed on his ass in the pouring rain outside of their house. 

Their house. That meant Nick and Chris were inside. That meant he would be okay. Matt made the mistake of looking behind him, fear shooting through his heart as he saw the bright red eyes of some creature standing and staring behind him. The grin was cold, blood lacing through the things teeth. Matt didn't waste one more second as he turned back around and sprinted towards his house as quickly as he could.

Reaching their front door, he found it to be open. Odd. 

"...Matthew, wanna play a game?" Matt heard the thing say through the rain, through the darkness.

Matt shook his head, slamming the door and locking it as well as placing a chair near the handle. He ran up the stairs, needing to find his brothers.

"Chris..? Nick-? Somethings wrong-" Matt started, calling out to try and find his brothers.

The front door unlocked, the chair scratching across the floor as the door creaked open. Matts eyes went wide as he heard a breathy chuckle from the bottom of the stairs. He didn't waste a second before he quickly ran to his bedroom, leaving the lights on so the hallway didn't look too different to the thing that was chasing him.

His hand went to reach the knob before a chill went down his spine.

"I wouldn't go in there- if I were you.." The voice said, a dark chuckle leaving it's mouth.

But Matt ignored it. Even though his gut was screaming at him to not open the door, even though everything in his body was telling him to turn away from his bedroom door. Not listening to the urges, he reached towards the door, slowly turning the handle.

The sight before him made his heart drop below his stomach. There, lying motionless in front of him, were his brothers. There were puddles of blood surrounding them, their throats cut. Matt stood unmoving, staring in shock at his brothers corpses. 

The light in the hallway flicked off, on again, and then off once more. Matt felt the hot breath of the creature on his neck, it's claws lightly grazing his arm. He jerked away, slamming his bedroom door behind him and locking it. He would rather be stuck in the room with his brothers than with that creature.

This is when Matt broke down. Tears streamed down his face as he knelt next to Nick, holding him in his arms.

"Nick.. no, Nick please.. Please wake up, I'm sorry-" Matt choked out, heartbroken whispers leaving his lips.

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