Chris & Matt - Asthma/Panic Attack

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hello my lovely readers and welcome back to another request! i love all of you guys so much and if you ever need to talk, im here for you all :)

thank you guys so much for 40k reads on this story and 800 some votes! it really means a lot and im extremely grateful for all the love and support and friends i have gained and received throughout this writing journey of mine!

anywho, this is a request from the lovely Leyla_099 

"Could you do one when nick or Chris has a asthma attack and Matt has a panic attack while someone is having an asthma attack and the triplet breathing normally helps them both?"

of course! this one chris is gonna have the asthma attack :) (guys i have asthma attacks so this is gonna be pretty realistic LMAOOO)

I hope you all enjoy this chapter and i deeply apologize for the lengthy intro flsakdfj

TW: Asthma, panic attacks, crying, wet rags, dry heaving/gagging, self-inflicted hitting.


Allergies man, they suck. Especially when you have asthma. Unfortunately for Chris, it was getting colder outside, meaning the seasons were changing, meaning his asthma had been acting up an unusual amount recently.

He had been diligently taking his asthma medication and using his inhaler whenever his chest felt uncomfortably tight, but he still felt like he couldn't fully breathe in when he inhaled. Chris hated the feeling of not having the correct lung capacity. No matter what he did to offset his asthma, it would always inevitably bite him in the butt.

He had his good days and his bad days. His good days were really good normally, and his bad days were pretty bad.. Today was a bad day for him. The second he woke up, he knew it was going to be a long day. His nose was stuffed, his throat was dry and scratchy, he had a headache forming behind his eyes, and he had this weird wheezy noise every time he breathed in.

Chris groaned as he rubbed his tired eyes, willing the pain to disappear. He wondered what had woken him up, it wasn't even the afternoon yet. His question was soon answered when he heard a knock on his door.

"Chris? Wake up, I made us breakfast!" 

It was Nick. Nick, being the sweet older brother he was, made them breakfast.

"I'm opening your door, so I hope you're not like, dead or anything," Nick called out, Chris's door slowly creaking open.

Chris grimaced at the harsh light pouring in from the hallway outside his room.

"Oh good, you're still alive. And you're awake! Now come on, I made french toast!" Nick said, way too energetic for ten o'clock in the morning.

"I'm tired.." Chris croaked out, yawning and covering his eyes.

"Oh my gosh, you sound awful. What did you do last night, gargle nails?" Nick asked, walking over to Chris's bed.

"I must've when I was asleep.. Man I feel like shit," Chris groaned, staring at Nick.

"Did you take your allergy medicine?" Nick questioned, laying his hand on Chris's forehead to check for signs of a temperature.

"Yes, I always do," Chris replied, gosh he hated allergies.

"What about your-" Nick began before Chris cut him off.

"Yeah, I've taken my asthma medication too. I'm telling you, Nick, I took all my medicine before I went to bed, just like I do every night," Chris said, annoyed slightly.

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