Chris - 'Common' Cold

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Hello all! I'm glad y'all like my one-shots so far. I recently got a request by  @Nevilles_wifeyy

'I was wondering if you can do one where Chris wakes up with a cold or smth and tries to hide it but ends up falling asleep in a car video and they find out'

Of course! Here you go, and I hope you enjoy it!

TW: Vomit/Dry-heaving

The first thing Chris noticed when he woke up was an awful pounding in his head, followed by a sharp pain behind his eyes, a sore throat, a stuffy nose, chills, and body aches.

This is not how Chris wanted to wake up, especially not when they're filming a really fun car video today. It was already 1:17pm when Chris awoke, and he decided that maybe taking a shower would make him feel better.

He crawled out of bed and walked into this bathroom, physically jumping at his reflection in the mirror.

'What the fuck- I look awful-' He thought, as he turned the water on super hot, full blast.

The shower made him feel better when he was in it, but as soon as he turned the water off and got out, he instantly got chills again and it seemed like his headache had come back with a vengeance. The pain in his head made him bend at the waste, sending him down to his knees. Damn he was dizzy.

Grasping the rim of the toilet, Chris pushed himself into a sitting position. Holding his warm head in his hands and rubbing at his eyes, he wondered how he was going to sneak this past his brothers. If they knew he was sick, the car video would be cancelled for today. Chris can't let his fans and friends down, they had to post today, it was Wednesday. 

The steady thumping in his head was so painful he couldn't think straight. The pain behind his eyes, his sore throat, they made him want to vomit. He hadn't even eaten anything, how and what could he possibly throw up.

He crawled back to the toilet, laying his heavy head on the lid, groaning. 'I feel like shit,' He thought to himself before dry heaving. Much like he expected, nothing happened. Shivering on the ground, he knew he needed to pull himself together. For the fans.

He gripped the corner of his bathroom sink with all of his strength, pulling himself into a semi-standing position. He threw on his clothes, thank goodness it was cold out or Nick and Matt would question why he was wearing sweats and a hoodie. He threw cold water on his face to wake him up more, and put a beanie on his head. 

Looking at himself in the mirror again, he thought he looked semi-normal. At least he looked better than he did the first time he saw himself in the mirror. Grimacing as he swallowed,  he blew his nose to try to get some of the congestion out. Shockingly, it didn't work.

He walked back to his room, plopping on his bed. 'How do I get medicine without them questioning what I'm doing'  Chris thought. 'I could just tell them I have a teeny headache. They wouldn't cancel the car video over something so minor as that.'

Sure enough, he walked up the stairs, barely I might add - he had to keep gripping onto the wall, willing his dizziness to go away - and popped two advil. He'd be fine, he knew he would be. He just needed some pain meds, and then he'd be on his way.

Nick and Matt didn't question why he was taking medicine, thank goodness, and they didn't even question him going back downstairs. They had nothing to do today besides the car video, and they always film late at night anyway, so why should it matter.

Collapsing back onto his bed, he started to scroll through his phone. He didn't mean to fall asleep, it just kind of happened. 


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