Matt - Vomit

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okay so i know i have like 40 something requests right now, but i was rly inspired after watching the new wednesday vlog LMAOO. I do wanna preface this by saying i feel like chris was being so sweet to matt after the whole pepper debacle and like, actually concerned for him and that he might throw up.

Anyway, if you couldnt tell by th title, im writing how their video ended (mwahaha) and im gonna make matt throw up bc im mean. aNyWaYYyy i hope you guys enjoy this one and it probably will be shorter since it's js like a filler chapter until i get started on my next chappy. That's it, love yall <33

TW: PUKE. A LOT OF PUKE. wet rags. did i mention vomit? Maybeee a small panic attack..


Matt hated challenges like this. It was stupid and for some reason, he always ended up being the one to violently lose his stomach after the video ended. It's not that he didn't love his brothers and it's not that they didn't hold his hair back for him while he expelled his substances, but he hated their stupidly bright ideas. What else would he love to be doing on a night where they were filming for the Wednesday vlog? Oh, I don't know, maybe not lose his stomach over a toilet all night long.

Does vomiting sound fun to you? It sure doesn't sound fun to Matt. So he found himself in quite the predicament when he had to eat hot sauce. The green beans were fine, he didn't give two shits about having to eat the green beans, he just really hated hot sauce, especially when he had to drink a lovely spoonful of said substance.

Besides his throat burning like it he was on the fucking sun, he was having a fine night. Until he had to drink the coconut water. To each their own but holy shit coconut water is the most disgusting thing Matt had ever consumed in his entire life. Who drinks that shit? Apparently people who shop at their local grocery store.

Anyway, they were having a fine night, you know everyone gagging and burning and laughing their asses off at each others' pain. Other than that though, they were having a great time. Until Matt had to eat the habanero.

In Chris's defense, he thought Matt would've been smart enough to not chew the entire thing and actually swallow the juices. Anyone smart enough to know that a habanero pepper is spicy, knows not to actually eat the entire thing if you don't want to be in excruciating pain for the rest of your evening.

So when Matt took a big 'crunch' out of the habanero pepper at 8:30pm, to say Chris was shocked was a fucking understatement.

"Holy shit, Matt! Spit it out, spit it out, spit it out, Matt! Don't hurt yourself, kid!" Chris shouted, laughing as he held the camera in his sputtering brother's face.

Matt ran to the trash can, spitting back up as much as the pepper as he could. The screams that left his mouth were hilarious and Nick was on the floor in tears.

"It fucking burns! It burns what the fuck, my face is on fire!" Matt shouted, running back over to the table where Nick was dying of laughter.

The camera shook as Chris laughed, chest heaving for air.

"Holy shit, it burns. Oh my gosh it's so fucking hot-" Matt said, turning around as a gagged burp cut him off.

Chris and Nick broke down into fits of laughter as Matt ate raisins, a sad attempt to stop the burning sensation in his mouth. Matt walked away, gasping for air as his face continued to burn. I mean, Chris was starting to get concerned, why did it seem like Matt couldn't breathe very well?

"Hey, are you good-?" Chris asked between laughs, standing near the fridge as Nick continued to die near their table.

Matt didn't respond, he just threw open their fridge, looking for something, but almost immediately closing it.

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