Matt - Insomnia

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hi guys im back again! i feel like i've been on a lowkey grind recently which is kinda crazy because i've been the most stressed out i think i've ever been these past two weeks but aNyWaYyYy. idk like, thanksgiving and christmas were my grandpas favorite holidays and this is the second thanksgiving without him. its js kinda hard yk?  but ill be okay

moving along, sorry about that last chapter- it came from the deep depths of my depression and brain. this one is a lot happier and no one dies! yay! also, happy thanksgiving, if you celebrate!

we are back on our regularly scheduled program with another request! this is from the daring Dabidude22

"can it be like Matt's feeling really tired and hasn't been getting enough sleep so it affects him and he ends up falling asleep it really odd places and at random times?"

ofc! im literally so sorry for the wait, i know it's been a while since you requested this one lmaoo. i have had almost no time :/

TW: matt's tired? idk this one should be pretty fluffy.


Everybody has a breaking point, it just takes some people longer to hit theirs.

It was a day, a long day at that. No, scratch that, it had been a long two weeks. Why had it been a long two weeks, you might ask? Well, to start the week off, their car broke down. The engine was fucked up and had to be in the shop for a week. They had to find a rental car because they had plans for their car videos and they had marketing events they had already planned on going to.

It wasn't the best week for their car to break down, but they got it figured out so whatever. The next week would've been fine, but suddenly Chris and Matt were down with terrible colds from their allergies. They were sneezing, coughing, running fevers, basically dying from congestion and allergies. Unfortunately for them, Laura (their manager) had already scheduled them some marketing deals and plans. So they all had to go even though Matt couldn't see straight due to his lovely headache.

So yeah, he was still recovering from being sick but oh well. Next, Nick's laptop broke. Like, the one he used to edit their videos? Yeah, the screen literally got cracked. So they had to order a new one which meant they couldn't edit their videos. On top of all of this stress, their mom had called and said that Trevor was sick with who knows what, but he kept coughing and wheezing.

And to top it all off, Matt's sleep schedule had been more like a nap schedule the past two weeks. He was barely getting three hours of sleep every night and it was starting to affect his performance. He was snapping at his brothers more, he was cancelling plans more, he tried to get out of the car videos because he didn't want to drive. His lack of sleep was causing him to have terrible nightmares, so all the sleep he was getting was consumed by his fears. All in all, he was exhausted, and his brother's constantly making fun and picking on him was absolutely not helping. 

Let's just put it like this, to say Matt was fucking exhausted was the understatement of the century. So when he sat down on the couch in between two of their videos, he almost immediately started to doze off. If it was hard to tell by the brobdingnagian (Nicks_Version) eyebags under his eyes, he was tired.

But the fact that he was asleep didn't stop Chris from shoving him off the couch to wake him up.

"Come on lazy head, we have shit to do and you're our designated driver. Get your lazy ass up and be our chauffer," Chris said, smacking Matt in the back of his head.

"Chris, I hate you," Matt sighed, exhaustion clear in his voice.

Maybe his brothers were just stupid and couldn't pick up on the fact that he was dying from exhaustion.

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