Chris - Sleep Paralysis

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Remember when Chris was talking about how one night he woke up and he couldn't move? Yea this is kind of an expansion on that, just a bit more dramatic. 

TW: Panic attack

Hope y'all enjoy!


All of the triplets went to bed early this specific night. They had filmed a challenge video earlier in the day and they were exhausted.

It was around 12:30am when Matt heard the screams. Jolting awake, he laid in his bed for a minute, making sure he wasn't hallucinating. When he heard the blood curdling screams again, he was pretty sure they were real. He quickly got out of bed and opened his bedroom door, peaking his head out.

He heard something similar to whimpers and sobs coming from downstairs. Chris. Something was wrong with Chris. Matt wasted no time running down the stairs to Chris's room, throwing open his door. 

Sure enough, there Chris was, tangled in his sheets, sweat dripping off his forehead, his face frozen in a scream. But something was off. Matt wasn't sure what, but something was terribly wrong. 

He ran over to Chris, trying to gently shake him awake when horror dawned on his face. Chris wasn't breathing. Chris. Wasn't. Breathing. Panic set into Matts features and mannerisms, as he gave up the gentle approach.

"Chris, wake up, wake up," Matt said, panic in his voice, "You gotta wake up bro, you gotta wake up and breathe. Please, Chris, you're scaring me."

Chris laid still, sweat still running down his face, neck and back, legs frozen still tangled in the sheets, eyes shut, and chest unmoving. 

Matt didn't know what to do. He didn't want to leave Chris alone down here but he needed to get Nick.

"Stay there, Chris. I'll be right back with Nick, I promise," Matt told his still brother, sprinting as fast as he possibly could up the two flights of stairs to get to Nick.

Unfortunately, Nick was a heavy sleeper and it took him a while to wake up. 

"Nick, wake up somethings wrong with Chris," Matt told him frantically, shaking his sleeping older brother, "Nick! Wake up!"

Nothing happened, just like Matt expected. Not knowing what to do, he ran back down the two flights of stairs to check on Chris again, just to see he still wasn't breathing.

I can't do this, I can't- not alone, I don't know what to do, I-I need Nick up now- I can't breathe, I cannot brea-

Matt collapsed on his knees next to Chris's bed, beginning to hyperventilate. He didn't know what to do, and he was terrified. He knew he couldn't do this on his own, but there was no one awake to help him. He knew he was having a panic attack, in fact he was well aware of the current state he was in, but he didn't know what to do.

Still barely being able to breathe, Matt stood on shaky legs and turned back to Chris. He began to shake him again, begging him to wake up. It had only been a few minutes, but it had felt like hours. He wasn't sure when the last time Chris was breathing, but he tried not to think about that.

If Chris didn't breath in the next 10 seconds, Matt would start CPR on him. That was Matt's decision.


"Chris, please. I'm begging you, please wake up," Matt sobbed.


He slapped Chris in the face, hoping it would shock him into waking up.

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