Nick - Fire PTSD

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OKAY I FEEL SO BAD BC THIS IS AN AMAZING REQUEST BUT I LITERALLY CANNOT FIND THE PODCAST EPISODE WHERE THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT THIS SO IM SO SORRY!!!! Instead im gonna do one where Nick has a panic attack bc of his fire ptsd and you'll see what happens. Anyway, this is a request from the slay  Lau_sturn34

"Can u maybe do one based on the story of the podcast where nick is surrounded by fire and he gets really scared and this shit yk what I mean?"

Yes! I hope you enjoy and once again im so sorry 😭😭😭

TW: Panic attacks, (fire?), wet rags 🙄


Was it really necessary to prank Nick? Probably not. In Chris's defense he didn't know that the escape room had a fire room in it, so can you really blame him?

Chris had scheduled the triplets a fun little escape room to do, since the Strombolios loved them so much. The name of the room was "Realms of Fire" and it obviously had something to do with fire, but how was Chris supposed to know there would be real fire in the escape room?

They walked in, ready to completely demolish yet another escape room challenge. They had to leave their phones with the worker, which they probably shouldn't have. Chris hadn't told Matt or Nick what kind of escape room it was, so he thought they'd be excited!

The door locked shut behind them with a loud click. Nick jumped, turning around and looking at the strong metal door.

"What the fuck is with the door? And why is it so warm in here for?" Nick asked, fanning himself with his hands.

Matt hadn't really noticed it but it did seem to be quite warm in the escape room. As he thought about it he felt sweat start to bead on his forehead.

"What the fuck kind of room is this, Chris?" Matt asked.

As if it was magic, the loud speaker turned on and a male voice came through.

"Welcome to the Realm of Fire. You have forty five minutes to successfully escape this fiery realm. If it takes longer than exactly forty-five minutes,  there will be horrible consequences. Watch the time and watch your step.. Good luck.." The mysterious voice shut off, leaving the triplets in silence. 

"You've got to be shitting me right now, Chris. You had one job, just the one. Would you want to explain why in the hell you would choose a room with FIRE?" Nick shouted, the vein in his forehead popping out as he glared at Chris.

"How was I supposed to know there was going to be like actual heat and fire in here? It didn't say it online!" Chris said, holding his hands up in defense. 

"Mother fucker you don't need to see it online, it's literally in the name!?" Nick groaned, rolling his eyes.

"I thought it would just be like, the decor!" Chris replied, looking at Matt for help.

"What the fuck are you talking about, decor-?" Matt cut in, rubbing his face with his hands.

"I would suggest hurrying up with the argument if I were you.." The creepy voice said, once again activating the loud speaker.

"There is no way- did it just get hotter or is it just me-?" Matt asked, fanning himself with his hands as well.

"Let's just ignore it.. Come on, guys. Lets do this escape room!" Chris exclaimed, trying to be optimistic. 

"Go fuck yourself, Chris. I hate you so much right now," Nick replied, sighing and rolling his eyes as he followed his baby brother into the first room.

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