Nick - Scared of throwing up

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IM BACK GUYS aaaand I have a Nick chapter for you, yay! I know im awful at posting Nick chaps but he rarely gets requests and i js dont think abt it yk, so thats my bad LMAO. i promise ill get better dw <3 

Thank you guys for all the support on this book, 8k reads is fucking bizarre and idek how that happened. I love all of you <3 Anyway, this is a request from the one and only  delenaforeverrrrr

"Can you do one where chris nick or matt (it doesn't matter) gets really sick and he is scared to throw up so his brothers have to help him" 

Of course! Sorry for the wait, I hope you enjoy this one! (for this specific chappy we're gonna pretend like nick hates vomit okay guys)

TW: Vomit, crying and shit like that,


Nick had never really talked about his fear of throwing up, but by the way he reacted every time he got sick, Chris and Matt both knew about it. Nick would go to any insane measure to make sure he never threw up, he had done it since he was young.

Every time he does end up vomiting, he freaks out and has a major panic attack. Normally Chris dealt with him when he was panicking because it put too much stress on Matt's mental health and Nick hated himself for it.

But anyway, they had gone out to dinner that night to some sketchy sushi restaurant. Nick had stayed away from the whole raw fish thing and opted for something safer, say something like the California roll he ordered.

Well shit, the imitation crab must've been bad because it tasted weird. How you fuck up something as simple as a California roll, Nick had no idea, but the restaurant had somehow managed to ruin his dinner.

Nick hadn't felt sick at first but his stomach started feeling unsettled on the way back. He assumed he was just getting motion sick because he was playing a game in the back of the van as they drove along a bumpy road. He wasn't stressed because he was certain he'd be fine once they got home.

They had a great plan to watch the new Spider-Man movie together when they got home and you obviously can't watch a movie without popcorn. Chris may have gone a little overkill with the popcorn as he popped five bags and threw them all into one giant bowl.

"Holy fucking shit, how much popcorn do we need? There is no way we're going to eat all of that, Chris," Matt said, judging Chris as he sauntered back over with the hot buttery corn kernels. 

"Shut up, if you only wanted one bag you should've popped it. If you're not gonna eat it, I will be more than happy to take one for the team and eat all five bags," Chris shot back, already shoving his mouth full with the hot substance.

Matt rolled his eyes, reaching over to grab some popcorn. They had a little system for when they watched a movie. Nick would sit in the middle with Chris and Matt on either side because they both seemed to love cuddling with Nick during movies. He still wasn't sure why, but he didn't mind spending time with his younger brothers.

So as per usual, Chris and Matt cuddled up against Nick, slowly crunching their popcorn. Nick ate a few pieces but found it to be way too salty.

"What the fuck did you do to this popcorn? Why does it taste like I'm eating the beach, kid?" Nick said, pushing the bowl away from him in disgust.

"Hey, like I said, if you guys don't want it, that mean's more for me am I right?" Chris said, grinning from ear to ear as he continued to scarf the popcorn down.

Nick shook his head in judgement and slight disgust as Chris burped loudly after drinking some water. Matt laughed as Chris just slyly smiled at Nick, before laying his head back down on Nick's shoulder.

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