All - Car Accident

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I'm back with another chapter, guys! This one is gonna be a car accident one but Nick, Matt, and Chris will all be in it. I hope you guys enjoy!

TW: Car crash, blood, hospitals, ambulances, medical talk, throwing up.


Matt didn't understand how everything went so wrong so fast.

One second he was driving with his brothers, his best friends, jamming out to Chris's music, and the next he was hanging out of his window, rain drops falling onto his face. 

Sirens were blaring around him, someone was shaking him, asking if he was okay. He didn't know what was going on.

Fading in and out of consciousness, being jumbled around, hearing the sirens all around him. He couldn't think.

The last this Matt remembered was something being strapped onto his face, and then everything went dark.


Chris loved driving around with his brothers. They were on their way to get food so they could film a car video and he was having the time of his life. He couldn't imagine not having his brothers with him. He would soon know the feeling.

Glancing over his shoulder at Nick and grinning, he turned his attention back to the road. Their light had just turned green and Matt stepped on the gas. The lane of traffic coming towards them starting to accelerate as well. Chris looked out of his rainy window, not thinking much of the truck that was speeding towards the light.

He's definitely gonna have to slam on his brakes, that's gonna fuck 'em up. In this weather? Hell yea his brakes are gonna be fucked.  Chris thought, looking over at Matt.

He should've thought more about that truck because the next thing he saw was bright headlights and the next thing he felt was pain. Everywhere. Excruciating pain. Suddenly, he was plunged into darkness as glass shattered around him.


Nick watched everything happen. He, like his brothers, was also enjoying the quality time, excited to film their new car video. He didn't think their weekly routine could turn into tragedy so quickly.

He saw the truck, he heard someone scream Matt's name and soon realized it was himself, he saw the other headlights and he felt the pain as two forces slammed into them. 

Nick was still semi-aware of his surroundings, but just barely. He heard the sirens, briefly saw the flashing lights. He heard people screaming, he felt the blood. But he also felt his pain. He was so tired, no one would mind if he rested his eyes. 

The last thing Nick saw before falling into the open arms of unconsciousness was the blinding lights from the cop car.


Nick was the first to wake up. He was in an ambulance and someone was shining a bright light directly into his eyeball. He blinked and glared against the discomfort as he heard medical jargon being thrown around. He understood bits and pieces of the conversation, words like 'concussion' and 'emergency room' as well as 'code blue' and 'bleeding profusely' but that was all Nick wanted to hear.

He soon passed out again, not caring as the paramedics called his name over and over again, trying to wake him up.

When he woke up again, he was lying in a hospital bed, doctors looming over him. It was only for a brief period of time, but it was enough for him to understand that he was not okay.

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