Chris - Claustrophobia

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IM BACK AGAIN!? insane. im on my grind guys. aNyWaY IM FINALLY WRITING A CHRIS ONE?!?!? i know its been aGES. dont worry tho, the next one will be about Matt having nightmares, yay! moving on, this is a request from the hot Hongjoonisarmy

"Can you do one where one of them has claustrophobia and they stay at a friends house overnight and the friend pranks him by locking him in a closet or something because he/ she doesn't that he has claustrophobia?"

ofc! SORRY FOR THE WAIT, I KNOW IM TERRIBLE LMAOOAOOAO. im doing this one for the one and only chrizz because i feel like he actually would idk. anyway, womp womp, lets get into this shit, shall we?

TW: panic attack? mentions of beer and alcohol, mentions of drunk idiots, crying, idk nothing is really triggering, i just like messing w yall. 🫶


It's not that Chris had bad friends, just some of them were sketchy, you know? Maybe he didn't have the best taste in friends which yeah, that's his bad, but whatever. It's not like he knew they were gonna lock him in a closet and not let him out- but that's for later on.

Nick and Matt were suspicious when he said he was spending the night at one of his 'friends' houses. The name of his so called 'friend' was Connor. And it's not that Connor is a bad person- he just has some toxic tendencies as a friend.. Such as bullying his friends.

But Chris ignored the red flags and left the triplets house to go have a sleepover.  It was going fine, Connor had picked Chris up from his house and they both ventured to a local Burger King before returning to Connors house.

Apparently, Connor liked to fuck with his friends and guests that he had over at his house. When Chris walked in, he didn't expect to see anyone in Connors house, but much to his surprise, Connor had like five of his other friends over as well.

"Hey guys, this is Chris, he's chill," Connor announced, walking through the door.

Chris kind of waved, dapping a few of them up, walking around the multiple beer cans and bottles that were scattered around. These guys were definitely older than him, and had to be drunk by the way they were actively slurring their speech.

Connor invited Chris to sit down. With a nod and slight smile, Chris gently sat on the edge of the couch, as far away from the alcohol bottles as possible.

"Chill dude, they're not gonna do anything. Stop being a pussy," Connor laughed, hitting Chris on hit back.

"Nah, I'm straight.. I just- I don't know, I'm not that big of a fan of alcohol, I guess," Chris confessed shyly, a light blush burning his cheeks in embarrassment. 

"You're a wimp, kid," One of his random friends said, words mixing as he drank from his bottle.

"Yeah, whatever," Chris replied, trying to brush it off. 

He thought it was only gonna be him and Connor, Chris had no idea that Connor was inviting other adult friends over. It's not like he was told. If he was told would he have still come over? Well, yeah probably. He would've just been more prepared.

Hours passed, Chris texting Nick and Matt to let them know he was alive every once in a while. He'd be fine, he was just staying the night and the weird friends were hopefully going home. At least, that's what Chris thought at first. Unfortunately, as the night went on and as they got more beer, Chris realized that there was no designated driver, unless it was Connor, and all the other guys were completely hammered.

What did this mean for Chris, you may ask? Well, that meant that he was going to have to be stuck in the house with a bunch of rando's all. night. long. Maybe he wouldn't go to Connor's house anymore. Maybe.. Maybe Nick and Matt were right about the red flags.

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