All - Stages of Grief

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Hiiiii guyssssss- 

Im back with another chapter! aaaaaaaand its a sad one (shocking ik. its like the most depressing ones come from my brain bc this wasnt a request LMAO.) i just want to apologize in advance bc im like so deadass this one is sad. like i cried while i was writing it-

i included a song for this chapter just to tug at your heart strings a bit more. its 'the night we met' by lord huron, but its slowed so.. enjoy . put it on loop a few times, bc this chap is long.

this might be slightly realistic bc im going based off personal experience of loss and kind of how i struggled w it. im so so so sorry LMAO i hope you guys can forgive me, but i promise i wont kill these ppl off again for a while. i hope you guys like the chapter <3

TW: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH, Death, mentions of dead bodies, vomit, just really really depressing sad shit.


The Five Stages of Grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance

It wasn't fair, how they died. It wasn't peaceful, it wasn't calm, it was cruel and brutal. It was a death only a monster could and would commit. Not a death, a murder. They were too young. They didn't get their 50th anniversary, they didn't get the chance to see their sons get married, they didn't get to see their grandchildren. They didn't get to live out the rest of their days together.

Their life was cut short, too short, and it wasn't fair. None of this was fair. How could someone who had been so alive earlier in the day be so dead right now? How could their life be taken away from them from someone who was so selfish?

It was late, around midnight, when Matt heard a harsh knock on the front door. They were in Boston and their parents had gone out for a nice dinner as a date night gift from the boys. Matt just assumed that it was Marylou and Jimmy knocking at the door, just getting home from their date. So he walked to the front door, excited to hug his mom and dad to welcome them back home. The triplets were only in town for a few more days anyway so they wanted to spend as much time with their family as possible. Little did they know their time would be cut short.

"Hey Mom! How was-" Matt cut himself off, startled at the gruff looking police officer at his front door.

"Is this the Sturniolo household?" The officer asked.

Matt already knew what was going on. He had seen this on TV, heard this in the news. Something bad had happened. Police officers don't just show up to your front door for no reason, they normally have terrible news.

By this time, Nick and Chris had made their way downstairs, waiting to see their parents when all they saw was Matt, frozen at the door. The door that a police officer was standing in.

"Uh.. Uh, yes.. This is the Sturniolo household.. Can I ask what's wrong-?" Matt asked, struggling to get the words out.

"May I come in? You kid's might need to sit down.." The officer replied, removing his hat as he looked at them with sad eyes.

Their parents were well known in their community, as they were always involved with everything.

"Yes, of course," Nick said, taking over and leading the officer to their living room. The three boys sat down on the couch, Chris not really saying much.

"I understand that Marylou and Jimmy Sturniolo went to the Roost for dinner this evening. There had been some suspicious activity going on around the back. For an unknown reason, your parents walked around the back, they had parked in the garage. We are assuming they are your parents, their identification was stolen. We need you three to identify their bodies. They were murdered during a mugging tonight."

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