Nick - Migraine

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Yea yea, I know I don't do enough Nick chapters. My bad guys 😭👆 I'll work on that LMAO

I also wanted to thank you guys for the 1.1k reads! It makes me happy that y'all enjoy this story :) <3

Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this one!

TW: Vomit, headaches, yk migraine type shit.


Beep beep beep

Beep beep beep

Beep beep beep

Beep beep bee-

Nick groaned as he blindly reached across his nightstand, slapping his hand on his alarm clock. He laid in bed for a moment longer before opening his eyes and immediately shutting them again.

Holy shit, his head hurt so bad. It was 7 in the morning and he already had a headache. He knew what kind of day it was going to be for him.

He rubbed at his head, stuffing his face back into this pillow and let out another groan. They had a podcast episode to film today and he already knew it was going to make his head hurt worse. Normally Nick was the first one up, but as his head pounded and his eyes shut, he fell asleep again.

It was around 8:45 when he was woken up by Matt shaking his shoulder.

"Nick, wake up kid. I made you breakfast since you weren't up yet. Chris and I are waiting for you to come downstairs so we can eat together," Matt said, smiling softly at him as he left Nicks room.

How sweet of Matt, making us breakfast. It's giving middle child. Nick slowly sat up, feeling as if the pounding in his head had somehow gotten worse as he slept.  I really don't want to go eat with them, like I love them but I don't want to have to cancel the podcast today just because I have a headache.

He thought, slowly getting out of bed and opening his door, the scent of french toast floating up the stairs. If they asked he'd just tell them he had a minor headache.

At least, that was the plan before he had to sit down on the stairs so he wouldn't fall because of how dizzy he suddenly got. Thankfully Matt and Chris didn't see him as he quickly got back up and walked down the rest of the stairs.

"Good morning, Nick!" Chris said loudly, a smile beaming on his face. "Hurry up and walk over here so we can eat, I'm starving bruh."

Nick mentally sighed, walking over to their new table and sat down. He didn't really eat, knowing if he did he would most likely throw up. He's well aware of what goes down when someone gets a migraine and it normally involves vomit.

"What's wrong, Nick? Was your toast like, underdone or some shit? I can heat it up for you if you'd like-" Matt asked, quickly being cut off by Nick shaking his head.

"No, no its not the food, Matt. I'm just not very hungry this morning, I have a bit of a headache is all," Nick replied, smiling at Matt.

"Oh, here I can get you some tylenol if you'd like?" Matt offered, heading to their medicine cabinet. 

"Thanks, Matt. That's really kind of you," Nick said, taking the two white pills that were in Matt's hand.

Nick thanked them both for breakfast and headed back upstairs to his room, shutting his door behind him and flopping back onto his bed. He hated being sick for multiple reasons. One of his reasons was Matt. Every time Nick got sick, Matt felt like he had to take on the role of being the oldest triplet, even though he didn't need to. He would get all in his head and get super stressed out while taking care of both Nick and Chris, and after everyone was feeling better, he'd hole up in his room and not come out for a few days.

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