Matt - Fainting Disorder

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Hi guys! I know, i skipped the Nick chapter. I was working on it and i just couldn't find inspiration for it and I don't wanna leave you guys with a shitty chapter. So instead, I'm gonna write a request while I work on gathering my thoughts for Nicks chapter. 

Also I'm really sorry about how long its been taking me to get chapters out. I know im generally a quick updater when it comes to stories but school started back and my mental health has been shit. Please give me some extra graces and give me some more time but i promise ill get to your requests. I love you guys, ty for being patient w me :)

From Dabidude22 "Can u do one where Matt has fainting disorder and faints while in a vid or driving?" of course! I hope you enjoy this one :)

TW: Fainting, panic lol


Nick and Chris new about Matt's fainting issue. It had happened multiple times as they had grown up together. He'd had a bad day or he wouldn't feel well, and he'd end up falling unconscious at some point that day. His symptoms generally included him getting super tired, sneezing a lot, having a really bad headache and a major loss of appetite. 

Matt hadn't been feeling very well this particular day, but he didn't tell Nick or Chris because they had plans. He sure as hell wasn't going to be the one to ruin them.  He took tylenol to hide the headache, ate his breakfast to hide his upset stomach, and held his nose to stop his sneezing.

Nick and Chris didn't suspect anything but Matt also had stayed in his bedroom for most of the day. He genuinely believed he was just getting a cold, he didn't think he would pass out.. Even if he slightly believed he was gonna pass out, he'd be fine-

"Matt? We gotta get ready to go, our interview is in two hours and its kinda far away," Nick called down the hallway to Matt's closed bedroom door.

"Coming! I'll be right there!" Matt replied, rushing to get up from his bed.

That was a mistake. He fell down against his mattress, holding his head as a wave of dizziness washed over him, tilting his world literally upside down. He groaned as he waited for the dizziness to stop. It was over after a few minutes and he finally found the energy to slowly get out of bed again.

He walked down the hall, stopping by the fridge to grab a water bottle. Maybe if he had something to drink he'd feel better? He honestly wasn't sure at this point. He looked over at Nick who was staring at him impatiently. 

"Any day now, lover boy. Chris is already in the car waiting, so get a fucking move on," Nick said, annoyance clear in his voice.

"Well how the fuck was I supposed to know that?" Matt replied, hands up in defense.

"I mean, shit. It's not like we haven't been talking about this for the past two weeks? We literally talked last night about what time we had to leave this morning, so I don't know why you're acting all fucking baffled," Nick shooed Matt out the door, locking it behind them.

"Well my fucking bad, I forgot. Fucking lynch me why don't you?" Matt grumbled, getting into the drivers side. His head was starting to feel a bit foggy, but he just waved it off. They had an interview they needed to be at.

Matt waited until Nick's door was closed to pull away from their drive way. Chris started blasting Lil Skies through the car speakers and Nick scrolled on his phone. Matt was already having difficulty focusing on the road. There was a lot of traffic and Matt got easily stressed out when there was tons of traffic. He couldn't deal with the overwhelming noise from the speakers so he turned them down some.

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