Matt & Chris - Argument

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hello loves, im back once more!  we have returned with our regularly scheduled program, requests! i will say im putting the mental health chapter on hold for a bit just until i can solidify an idea for it that i actually like... anyway! 

this is from the classy ChrissyOwenRose: Can u make another argument fic but both say really mean things instead of just Chris and Nick forces them to make up

ofc! i hope you enjoy this one and im so sorry about the wait!

TW: Arguing? Idk if thats a trigger but uh.. its kinda in the title, chris and matt being meanies


Chris and Matt had been bickering back and forth all day long. They were just tiny arguments, nothing major, just them picking on each other for random shit. But unfortunately Matt's patience was wearing thin, especially since he had already asked Chris to leave him alone. Did Chris listen and leave Matt alone? Well, I'll let you figure that out by yourself.

They were sitting on the couch, Matt and Chris scrolling through their phones on opposite sides of the room as Nick sat next to Chris, finishing editing a video. Nick was in his own world, focusing on finishing up the video so he could sleep. Chris was munching and crunching on some random chips and slurping his soda. And Matt was sitting back, cutting glares at Chris every few seconds.

"Do you fucking mind?" Matt started, putting his phone down and glaring at his younger brother.

"Mind what?" Chris asked, talking with his mouth full as his grimey cheeto hands swiped on his phone.

"Can you not keep your mouth shut when your chewing? Have you like, reverted in age and now you need to learn how to chew again or some shit..?" Matt asked pointedly, now crossing his arms.

"Ha ha, so funny. Shut the fuck up, Matt. Mind your own business," Chris replied, still smacking his jaws as he started to suck the cheeto dust off of his fingers.

"That's fucking disgusting," Matt grumbled, shaking his head and getting up to get his airpods.

"You're fucking disgusting. Just because I'm not being prim and proper doesn't mean you need to get mad at me dumb bitch," Chris called out, loudly burping as if to prove his point.

Matt just shook his head and rolled his eyes in response, sitting back down as he put both of his airpods in.

But Chris couldn't leave him alone. He elbowed Nick, trying to get him to take off his headphones. Nick complied, taking them off with a quizzical look on his face.

"What the fuck do you need, Chris? Can't you see I'm busy editing something so you can keep your job?" Nick asked, clearly annoyed.

"Nick, Matt thinks he's so tough," Chris started, glaring at Matt as he joked with Nick.

"What are you talking about? He's not even bothering you, why do you feel the need to try to start an argument with him?" Nick judged, starting to put his headphones back on.

"No, he started it first. I was literally doing nothing and he started arguing with me for no reason!" Chris spouted back, hands in the air.

"Matt doesn't just 'start an argument for no reason' Chris. What did you do?" Nick asked, looking between him and Matt.

By this time, Matt had taken his airpods out, listening to the conversation that was happening.

"I didn't do shit! He literally started saying I was like, stupid and shit-" Chris tried, not noticing that Matt had taken his airpods out.

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