Matt - Physical Fight in School

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hello loves, im back again :)  

I'd js like to say thank you all so much for 50k reads on this book, it's literally insane??? i love you guys so much <33

i have another request today from the exciting Eden21184

"can u do a scenario where matt and his siblings r in school and matt gets into a physical fight with another guy over something in the hall and the other 2 boys stop him"

Ofc! sorry for the wait and i hope you like this one!

TW: Fighting? punching ig- fight shit.. oh there's some blood too


It all started with Ethan. Ethan was a bully. Why is this information important, you may ask? Because Ethan wasn't just anyone's bully, he was Matt's bully. Why did he seek out Matt in the hallways, you might ask? Because Matt was shy and Matt was quiet. Why would he pick on someone that would actually stand up to him?

Now, even though Ethan was stupid as shit, he knew not to involve Matt's brothers because they would not hesitate to defend their brother. Like I mentioned earlier, Ethan was stupid. So stupid that he couldn't do his own homework or write his own essays. Luckily for him though, Matt was smart and Matt knew how to do homework and how to write essays. Unfortunately for Matt, he was smart and actually did his homework.

So of course, Ethan had been bullying Matt for a while and he would always do it behind Nick and Chris's backs because he didn't want them getting involved. Recently though, he had cut a deal with Matt. If Matt did all of Ethan's homework and helped him get a good grade on tests, quizzes, and projects, Ethan wouldn't beat up Matt as much. Pretty sweet deal, right? Well, of course there was a caveat.. If Ethan's grades started to slip again and if Matt wasn't completing the homework correctly, Ethan would beat him to a pulp, right in front of the whole school.

Matt was already embarrassed enough just by going to high school, he didn't want to be embarrassed even more by a senior who was too stupid to get his grades up on his own. So of course, Matt did Ethan's work for him. And I mean, it was going good for a while. Ethan's grades were staying up, he was still on the football team, his girlfriend still loved him (everyone else knew she was cheating on him, he just chose not to accept the facts) and he still had his punching bag to take his aggression out on whenever he pleased.

Ethan had his good days and he had his bad days. His good days were really good, he was smiling, actually joking with Matt, but his bad days... His bad days were really bad. And if you couldn't guess, today was one of his bad days.

Matt might've been tired from a lacrosse practice, and he might've forgotten to finish Ethan's homework. To say that Ethan was less than pleased when Matt showed up to school the next morning with a half-completed homework sheet, was a complete and total understatement. Ethan was pissed. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't do anything about it right this minute because the stupid bell rang, signaling they were already late for their first class.

As Ethan ran into class with a timid Matt trailing behind him, he slammed the door against it's hinges, stomping to his seat.

"Ah, Mr. Sturniolo and... Ethan. Mind telling me why you were tardy..?" Mrs. Fedders asked, peering at the shaking form of Matthew over her glasses and pinched nose.

"..Sorry, Mrs. Fedders- I was talking with my brothers because Chris wasn't feeling well.. I don't know about Ethan but-" Matt started, coming up with the Chris being sick lie as Ethan glared daggers into his eyes.

"Oh well, what can we do? Time is relative, they say.. I'll waive your tardy, Mr. Sturniolo. For you though, Ethan.. I'm not sure I can waive anymore of them. You've been late so many times I believe you will have to report to the front office," Mrs. Fedders said, sighing as she stood up to gather everyone's homework.

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