Nick - Appendicitis

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The first Nick chapter! Yayyyyy! This was a request from @Xxxamaya_luv

"Can you do one where nick or chris get appendicitis?"

Yes! Here you go, I hope you enjoy :)
TW: Vomiting, surgery, ambulances, shit like that


Nick hadn't really eaten much today, his stomach felt like it was riding a roller coaster over and over. He wasn't exactly in pain, but he wasn't comfortable either. They had already filmed their video for the day, so Nick was just watching his phone as his brothers played a game together on their Xbox.

Feeling a sudden sharp stabbing pain in his abdomen, Nick put his phone down and buried his face in a pillow, drawing Matt's attention with the sudden movement.

"Bro, you good?" Matt asked, chuckling slightly.

Nick groaned in response, uttering an 'mhm' with his face still in the sofa cushion and his arms wrapped tightly around his waste.

"You sure?" Matts eyes were still on him, slight concern shining in them.

"Matt, shut the fuck up and play your fucking video game, I'm fine," Nick replied, laying back on the couch, arms still covering his sore stomach.

Matt just slightly nodded, looking away quickly and getting back to his game with Chris. As they played on, Nick felt his eyes grow heavy and he soon fell into a fitful sleep.

"What the fuck was that about?" Chris asked, nodding his head in Nick's direction, once they knew he was asleep.

"I don't know, I was just trying to check on him. I don't think he feels very good.." Matt trailed off, once again pausing the game so he could cover Nick with a blanket. 

Nick was usually a pretty heavy sleeper, so Matt didn't hesitate to put his hand to Nicks forehead, moving his hair out of the way.

"I mean, he definitely feels a little warm, but he probably just has a cold from all this gross weather we've been having," Matt said as it was still pouring rain and 32 degrees outside.

Chris looked over at Nick once more before instructing Matt to come sit back down so they could finish the round of their game and go to bed.


My stomach hurts.

This was the first thought crossing Nick's mind at three in the morning, the first time Nick woke up all night. Stumbling across the room to the medicine cabinet he took two Tylenol, hoping and praying it would help his stomach stop hurting. 

Gripping the countertop so hard his knuckles turned white as the pain increased ten-fold. Sliding down the cabinet and landing on the floor, he gasped as his vision flashed white.

It. Hurts.

Nick had never felt such pain in his entire life. It seemed like nothing would help this pain, nothing would bring it to an end. Feeling like vomiting he crawled to Matt's bathroom as it was the closest. Even in his state of mind, he didn't want to throw up on the floor.

Nick didn't know how loud he was being as he shoved open the bathroom door, collapsing onto the tile. He wouldn't make it to the toilet. At this point he wasn't sure where he was anymore, the pain clouded his mind as he reached out blindly, looking for something, anything to give himself leverage to get up.

He ended up grabbing onto something oddly hairy. 

"-ick? Nick? Are you okay? Nick, answer me," It was Matt, he realized. Matt's wrist specifically. Shaking him. Why was he shaking him?

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