Matt - Heatstroke

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hello loves, im back on my grind :)! i hope you all are doing well :) <33 we're back on track for our normally scheduled programming, requests! this is from the marvelous matildalovesturniolo

"could you do one where matt gets heat stroke or something??"

of course! i am so sorry about the wait! ive been so busy with school and senior stuff and sports. i hope you guys enjoy this one! (I bet you guys can guess what special guest is returning for this chappy).

TW: hotness (heat), crying


It was hot, and I mean hot. But no matter the heat index or the humidity, Matt forced himself to go on a run. When he wasn't feeling particularly confident or secure, he would physically make himself get up and go on a run. Today was one of the days where he wasn't a fan of himself so what did that mean? You guessed it, he was going on a run.

The run started out simple enough. He had let his brothers know what he was doing and where he was going before he stepped out in the summer heat. He had his running shoes on and his airpods were mostly charged. He wasn't sure how long he was going to run, so he just set off. Running down their long driveway he made it to the sidewalk along their street.

In his defense it didn't feel that hot when he first walked outside, so how was he supposed to know that it was 98° Fahrenheit? I mean, he could've checked the weather app or the thermometer they had inside their house but like, that made sense so why would he do that? 

Matt didn't even know where he was running to or when he was going to turn around and start running back home. He didn't even know how much time had passed, all he knew was that he deserved to be running in the heat. At least, that's what he thought. 

His harsh breathing, the heavy thumping of his heart that matched the pace of his feet, his loud music blaring in his ears, the sweat pouring down his face. It was freeing in a way. Little did Matt know it had already been close to an hour that he had been running and he had yet to stop for water. The only reason he checked the time was because he got a text from Chris asking where he was.

He decided he should turn around and start running back home. 

It was going normal, his run back to his house. Just like how it had been when he was running from his house. This time though, something felt different. He felt heavy almost, like his legs wouldn't fully lift up with every long leap he took. Like his chest had a weight on it, stopping him from inhaling fully. 

Matt's throat suddenly went dry like the Sahara desert. His throat became tight and it felt like his chest would not fully expand. His vision started to blur, black dots dancing in front of him. With quick thinking he reached into his pocket to grab his water bottle.

His water bottle that was not in his pocket. Looking around him, he realized that he somehow must've forgotten it. Soon he started to panic. He didn't know how hot it was outside and he had no idea how long he had been running. All he knew was that he couldn't breathe properly and he couldn't seem to swallow correctly.

Thankfully, Matt saw his house. He was right around the corner. Maybe if he didn't think about it too much, he would be able to breathe okay enough to make it to his house. The theory of his would've worked, but the first step was to stop thinking about how badly his chest burned. He skipped the first step..

Sweat poured down his face and back as his chest heaved with gasps. He just wanted to breathe normally again, that's all he was asking for. He wasn't even running anymore, he was mostly half limping to his front door. He didn't have any faith in himself to make it to his front door without passing out. He just felt so hot. Almost as if the sun had fallen out of the sky and landed directly in front of Matt.

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