Nick - Faints From Overworking

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hey babes, im back with another request! this is from the lovely LetsReadFFs

"We all know that Nick cuts the Videos etc. so my request would be that Nick overworks himself which worries his brothers. But its gets to its plot when Nick faints cause he overworked himself so bad"

This sounds like such a cool idea and I hope you like it! (Mainly fluff!!!)

TW: No sleep Nick


Nick was behind, like way behind. Not only was he behind on editing, but he was behind on taking care of himself, mentally and physically. He had the flu the previous week and every time he wasn't throwing his guts up he was completely passed out because the kid was zonked. So to say he was stressed was a major understatement. He had four videos to edit and he normally liked to pace himself and take his time to edit the videos. He only wanted to put out the best for their fans and if he didn't do that he would give himself shit.

He was currently on video two.. And he had been working on the videos for three days now. The only time he had left his room was to get some food, but other than that he would hole up in his room for days at a time, working himself silly.

Did Matt and Chris notice that their big brother hadn't been spending time with them? Yes, it was very obvious as Nick was normally the one to sit out in the living room, inviting them to watch a movie or play a game with him. But Nick was no where to be seen, he hadn't been downstairs for any significant amount of time for around five days.

So when Chris went to go check on him, he wasn't expecting the response he got when he knocked on Nick's door.

"Nick, can I come in?" Chris asked, knocking lightly on Nick's door.

"No," Nick replied, short and sweet.

But Chris wasn't going to take such a simple answer and he barged through the closed door anyway. If looks could kill, Chris would be a spot on the floor because the way Nick whipped his head around and the glare he gave to Chris was deadly.

"Did I say you could come in?" Nick asked, venom lacing his tired voice.

"Well, no. But I wanted to come in so I don't really care," Chris replied, leaning against Nick's door.

"Fucking leave. Can't you see I'm busy doing shit so you don't lose your job?" Nick snapped back, turning to his desk once more.

"Oh so it's my fault?" Chris challenged, not liking the attitude Nick was giving him when he just wanted to check in on his brother.

"I never said that, now please just leave my room," Nick said back, turning around again to shoo Chris away.

"No, I don't want to. We're worried about you, Nick. You haven't come out of your room in literal days and you haven't been eating properly. You like, just got over the flu not even two days ago. You need to take care of yourself or you're gonna have a relapse," Chris said, concern in his voice.

"I'll be fine. I have deadlines that I have to meet so we can keep our jobs and our fans. You know this, Chris," Nick replied, rubbing his tired face with his hands.

"I know, but it wouldn't hurt to ask for help every once in a while, Nick," Chris said, walking over to Nick and rubbing his shoulders.

"No one edits the videos the way I like them, the way the fans like them.." Nick led off, keeping his head in his hands for a while.

"You need rest, kid. What you're doing isn't healthy, and I know you know," Chris continued to rub Nick's tight shoulders.

"I'm not even-" Nick tried to start before Chris cut him off.

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