Matt - Appendicitis

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hey guys, im finally back :)

i know it's seems like it's been a while, but ive js been so busy, but im sorry for the wait. anyway, i've written an appendicitis one for both nick and chris, so i was glad when someone requested this one for matty b. i have a few chaps i put on hold (mental health, earthquake) just because i don't know how i wanna write them and i need to brainstorm more, or maybe like start writing them when im actually in a good writing stage, yk. anywho, this is from the dandy delenaforeverrrrr

"this is sooo good omgg your chapters never disappoint!! i have a request if your taking them but could you do one where matt gets appendicitis?"

ofc! sorry for the wait, lovely.

TW: Vomit, rags, hospitals, appendicitis obvi, blood.


Matt hadn't been feeling well when he went to bed last night, but he didn't think his stomach would still be hurting when he woke up this morning. Shit, not only did it still hurt, it felt like it worsened overnight, if that was even possible.

He groaned as he moved slightly in his bed, hating the feeling of his heartbeat in his stomach. Either he was dying, or he just had a really bad case of food poisoning. Matt was hoping it was the latter. He buried his head in his pillow, slamming his eyes shut against the cramps in his stomach. Maybe he was dying.

He reached blearily for his phone, not realizing that he had managed to knock it off of his nightstand while he was asleep. He soon gave up his search, body curling in on itself as another cramp raged a war in Matt's stomach. Matt grasped the fabric of his sheets in his hands, begging the pain to go away. Maybe if he just ignored it, it would stop hurting. 

Unfortunately, it did not stop hurting. Once again a cramp screamed into his body, forcing him to gasp in pain as his eyes shot open. This was complete agony. Matt wasn't sure what he did to deserve this kind of torture but he wanted- no needed it to stop. If he was even going to survive the morning, he needed his stomach to stop fighting him.

Finally after fifteen minutes of constant cramps, he was rewarded with a break. The break didn't last too long though, because soon he was shooting up and out of bed, stumbling to his bathroom. He roughly opened his bedroom door, running into his door frame before turning into his bathroom. He slammed the door behind him, not knowing what time it was and not really caring if he woke up his brothers.

His knees hit the cold tile floor, first round of vomit almost missing the toilet bowl. He groaned as another wave of vomit spewed from his mouth, splashing into the cold toilet bowl water below him. It was as if his body decided that it wanted to self destruct and start breaking down slowly, starting with his stomach.

Sobs ripped from his body as his chest heaved with gags, spit dripping from his chapped lips. He was just so tired, even though he had slept a somewhat decent amount the previous night.  His body was losing it's fight against consciousness and Matt didn't even realize it. He also didn't realize that it was only four in the morning and he was making an insane amount of noise.

The last thing Matt remembered was throwing up one more time before everything went black.


Nick wasn't exactly sure what was going on but he knew that something was happening was he was rudely awoken by a loud bang at 4:06AM. Nick groaned, rubbing his tired and sore eyes, hoping that if he just ignored it the sounds would go away.

They didn't go away. Instead, they got louder. He heard a door get slammed followed by an aggressively loud gag. This caused Nick to shoot up out of bed, sitting up abruptly. He waited, thinking maybe it was just his imagination and no one was actually out of bed, spewing their stomach contents so early in the morning. 

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