Chris - Scared Of Puke

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woahhh its been a while- well im back (kind of). just wanted to say sorry for how long i've been gone and for how much y'all have had to wait for another mediocre chapter from me. life has been hectic and my mental health has been pretty shitty, but it's okay because idk, womp womp? anyway, we're gonna slowly ease back into my book with a nice lil chapter filled with wet rags and hugs :)

this is a request from the absolute loml Sparkler2020  

"Can you do one of these for Chris since you did one for Matt and Nick? Where Chris is sick but scared of puke and Nick helps him?"

ofc! I am so so so so so so so sorry for the wait and i hope you all will forgive me!!! Its also going to be a mix of both nick and matt helping chris out for this chappy :)

TW: WET RAGS (eek), an odd amount of vomit, tears, pukeness idk

i hope yall enjoy :) <3


It was a known fact in the Stromboli household that none of the were the biggest fans of puke. Matt could deal with it, he hated the sound and the smell and the look and- well maybe he couldn't deal with it. But when it came to his brothers being sick, he kind of had to be able to deal with it. Nick could also deal with it, maybe a bit more than Matt. 

Yes, Nick absolutely hated puke, but it was a bodily function and sometimes cannot be helped. Nick knew that it wasn't like Chris was actively trying to rid his body of its own organs, but the amount of times Chris gagged, maybe it seemed like it.

Chris woke up with a pounding headache that morning. He thought maybe it was just from stress. With everything taking off with Nick's lip balm brand and with everything going on with Fresh Love, he assumed that he just needed a bit more sleep and needed to destress. So when Chris rolled over to snuggle into his warm bed, he expected his bed to actually be there. Unfortunately for him, instead of being greeted with his soft cotton sheets and his nice fluffy pillow, he was instead welcomed by a short 4 foot drop and a splat onto the cold hardwood floors beneath him.

Chris groaned, the pain in his head multiplying as his body adjusted to the pain from the fall. 

"Stupid fucking bed.." Chris grumbled, attempting to lift himself up but failing miserably. 

Chris laid on the cold floor in defeat for a moment, his tired head resting in his cold hands. He rubbed his sore eyes, digging his soft balms far into his eye sockets, hoping that the pounding in his head would cease. His eyes got tired, hands still on his forehead as his heavy head slowly dropped back down to the hardwood floor. The last thing Chris remembered was a small tear slowly rolling down his cheek.

He realized he must've fallen asleep because the next thing he knew, soft, warm hands were rubbing his back, tracing the outline of his shirt. Chris grimaced as his head continued to pound, black spots dancing in his vision. He slowly looked up to his his big brother looking down at him, a look of concern permanently on his face.

"Chris? Are you alright? Why are you on the floor, kid?" Nick asked, trying to help Chris sit up and gather his bearings. 

"I fell off my fucking bed and fell back asleep I guess.." Chris mumbled, shoving his warm head into the crook of Nick's neck.

"Chris, you're burning up bud- Do you feel okay?" Nick spoke quickly, hand rushing to his baby brothers forehead. 

"I have such a bad headache Nick.. My whole like upper body hurts and I don't know why," Chris whined, trying to not burst into tears on the wooden floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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