Chris - Sinus Infection

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aaaaaaaand im back again! sorry for how long it takes me to write a oneshot, i still have a few chaps on hold bc i need to figure out how to actually write them (mental health, earthquake) but i will eventually get to them. this is a request from the awesome ashleyfrfr

"can we get a chris one wear he has like congestion and like sneezing sinus infection kinda issues tysm 💕"

ofc! so sorry for the wait! me and chris are literally twinning bc im like sick again LMAO. but this one is mainly fluff with a lil sprinkle of matt angst bc im a matt girl.

think of this as an early christmas gift, but im working on more 

TW: wet rags, sick, sinuses


When Chris woke up he could already tell that his day was going to be shit. As soon as his brain started, he could already feel the pounding headache that was starting a war behind his eyes. His throat was killing him and it felt like sandpaper every time he swallowed. His head felt heavy when he moved it even a slight teensy tiny bit. He couldn't breathe through his nose because of how congested it was and he could barely keep his eyes open for longer than a few seconds.

Overall, he didn't feel well. So when Matt literally pounced on him as he was waking up, it just made his shitty day even shittier.

"Wakey wakey, Chris! We're going to the movies today!" Matt said, excitement running through his voice as he roughly shook his baby brother.

"Matthew, get off of me, please. I don't feel good," Chris grumbled out, wincing at the sound of his voice.

"Woah what happened to you? Were you near the wild parsnips again?" Matt asked, a playful tone still dancing through his words.

"What the fuck even are 'wild parsnips' motherfucker? And no, I don't know what happened, I felt fine yesterday," Chris snapped back, burying his face into his still warm pillows.

"First of all, it's a Phineas and Ferb reference. Secondly, have you been taking your allergy medicine?" Matt asked, an accusatory tone in his voice now.

Shit. Chris had forgotten to tell his brothers that he had run out of his allergy medicine. And it was almost Winter, which meant his allergies were worse than normal.

"Oh- yeah, totally.. When do I not take my allergy medicine..?" Chris chuckled out, hoping that Matt would believe him.

"Mhm, sure. Do you want me to get Nick?" Matt asked, hands resting on his hips.

"Oh, that's funny. I was just coming down here to see what was taking you so long. I mean, I know it's hard to wake Chris up, but it shouldn't take you almost ten minutes, Matt," Nick said, suddenly appearing in Chris's doorway.

"No, no he's awake, but he's sick. He hasn't been taking his allergy medicine and now his allergies are kicking his ass," Matt replied, laughing a little.

"Matt, shut the fuck up, this isn't funny. Next time you're sick or you have a headache, I swear I will start laughing at you, bitch," Chris groaned from his bed, still not moving at all.

"Yeah, have some sympathy for our dumbass of a brother, Matt," Nick added on, joking slightly.

"I hate you both. Can you just leave me alone down here to die?" Chris asked, voice scratchy. 

"Oh damn, no can do, Chris. I made breakfast!" Nick said, a smile on his face.

"I do not give any fucks. If I eat anything I swear I will throw up on your new shoes, Nick," Chris grumbled, tears gathering in his eyes as his head pounded.

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