Chris - Panic Attack

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Hi guys! I'm back again with another, you guessed it, Chris chapter! This was a request from ItsJustLauren95

'Would you be able to do one, where the boys are filming and chris starts getting really restless and agitated, which leads to a panic attack??'

Of course! I hope you liked this one :)

TW: Panic attacks 


The triplets were in the car, working on filming for their Wednesday video. Chris had already had a pretty overwhelming day and he was kind of on edge while filming. He didn't want to be in the small enclosed car tonight but he didn't say anything.

He didn't think he had an excuse as to why he didn't want to film. They'd all had an overwhelming day so he wasn't special because of his anxiety. They were out shopping earlier when a ton of fans bombarded them. They were asking for pictures, signatures, asking way too personal questions, and they had formed a circle around the triplets to where they couldn't get out.

Chris's anxiety was no where near as bad as Matt's so he didn't want to say anything. He would just suffer through the video, it would be over soon anyway.

They were talking about their pet peeves when suddenly a few cars pulled up next to them.

Deep breaths, Chris. You're okay, they're just cars. Chris thought to himself, trying to calm his already frayed nerves. 

Unfortunately for him, they weren't just cars. They were cars with fans in them. Somehow they had found their van and started flooding around it, knocking on the windows, trying to open their doors. Some fans were even kissing and licking the windows. 

"Holy fucking shit! Matt, can you back up? We need to get out of here, bro," Chris panicked, his voice tight with stress.

"They're all around the fucking car, I can't back up or I'll hit one of them!" Matt replied, voice equally stressed.

"Fucking honk at them, do something, make them get away from our car so we can get out of this fucking mess!" Chris shouted, reaching over to the steering wheel. He needed to get out of here.

"Chris, stop! Matt's right, we can run over someone, they'd sue us," Nick tried to reason with Chris, but Chris wasn't having it.

"Guys, I need to get out of here, I can't with all these people, I really need like, air," Chris started to panic, eyes wide with fear.

"Chris, take a deep breath, you're gonna be okay. We're gonna get out of this in a minute, okay?" Nick attempted to calm him down the same way he calms Matt down when Matt has a panic attack, but it didn't seem to be working.

"It's too fucking hot in here and it's too small and close, I-I need- Shit I need to get out-I need to get out of here-" Chris's breathing suddenly sped up as he looked around the car like he was a caged animal.

Matt wasn't even listening anymore, if he did he'd have his own panic attack. He was too focused on not freaking out himself. 

Meanwhile, somehow more fans started getting around their car. The front of their car was clear, though.

"Hold on, I have an idea," Matt said, putting the car in drive and flooring the gas. He was gonna drive through the grass to get out of the parking lot, he didn't give two shits.

"Holy shit, Matt! Are you fucking insane?" Nick shouted.

"No, but I'm gonna fucking panic and Chris is already having a panic attack and I needed to get out of there, Nick," Matt rambled, hands shaking against the wheel. 

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